Thursday, November 5, 2009

How to Know if Your Boyfriend or Girlfriend is "the One"

You love him. You love him not. He's sweet, but will it last forever? Here's how to know if your little cutie pie is marriage material who will withstand the test of time.
Do you get along? Do you have similar interests? Are you able to spend a considerable amount of time together without getting annoyed? Do you give each other some space to be individuals? If you answered yes to all of these questions, you're on the right track!
The Five Year Plan. What is his five-year plan? Does he want to return to school? Pursue a job halfway around the world? Buy a house next door to mom and dad? Do you have a five-year plan that compliments his, or will you have to choose one or the other? If you have to choose, chances are one of you will be miserable and it could cost you the relationship.
The Fifty Year Plan. It's hard to say where you want to be in fifty years, but your retirement plan is a good summary of your personality. If he wants to retire to a bustling city where he can catch a new show every night, and you want to retire to the country, where you can sit on the front porch on your rocking chair, well, it might not work.
Family. Do you have similar plans for home life? If you can both agree on a raised ranch with 5 kids, one dog and a parakeet, you're in great shape. If not, decide whether you can compromise on this big decision. Also remember that it is important to get along with your in-laws. You don't have to love them, but getting along is essential.
Finances. You're right, money can't buy love. But similar finances can certainly make love easier. If he's making a bunch of money and saving it for a rainy day, and she quit her job to spend her days shopping... well, chances are he'll want a more 50-50 partner. But if her share of the 50-50 isn't money-making, but taking care of the kids, these relationships do sometimes work.

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