Saturday, November 28, 2009

Female Ejaculation Orgasm - How to Give a Squirting Orgasm Guide

When I used to go to seminars and read books one mistake that I heard countless times was that the female ejaculation orgasm was something that had been discovered recently. Only our enlightened times, went the argument, could women have the chance to experience this.


In fact cultures have known about the female ejaculation orgasm for centuries. One visit to the erotic temples of India or even a casual investigation of the Kama Sutra will quickly change your mind. Some temples have a fresco covered with images of it. An even weirder (And somewhat ironic twist) is that some scholars are now seriously writing that the 'fountain ready to burst' described in the biblical Song of Solomon is an early reference to this phenomena. Even in the supposedly conservative 1920's, sex books covered the topic.

However what is true is that the first mentions of it in medical literature were more recent. We have the awesome Dr. Grafenberg to thank for that (The same guy whose name is the origin of the 'G' in 'G-spot'). He also used the term 'gushing' orgasm, which is still a popular slang term for the female ejaculation orgasm now. Unfortunately Grafenberg deserved more respect than he received, as the more influential authors about sex Masters and Johnson, ignored his claims almost entirely.

We had to wait until almost 1998 for the first serious medical discussions to begin and this is where a lot of confusion lies.

Preparation for the First Female Ejaculation Orgasm

Some scientists question whether all women can have ejaculation orgasms. In my experience they can, but it can take a long time or a short time.

To have this kind of orgasm, women need to practice their Kegel exercises, this will give them the muscular control to push out as they orgasm and release the fluid. Therefore as well as practicing squeezes, she will need to practice pushing out ('Butterflies') too.

The other thing that needs to happen before sex is for her to understand the process. The female ejaculation is released from the urethra, so it can feel like she is about to pee. Therefore she should understand that it is different to pee and that it is okay for her to let herself go. This is usually the major roadblock on the way to orgasms, so getting the framing right at this point makes all the difference.

Most people do not know that there are two kinds of female ejaculation orgasm: clitoral and G-spot. The G-spot is the easiest to do, but has a similar principle to the clitoral, so we will discuss it here. Once you can do the G-spot orgasm, it is easy to transfer the technique over to the clitoral squirting orgasm.

The Female Ejaculation Orgasm How to

The mood becomes all important for this orgasm, as she needs to feel the process to really get into the mood. Lots of foreplay is also needed as you need her vagina to become engorged before you start any serious stimulation.

Make sure your nails are trimmed (They should not hurt if you rub them across your lip). Insert the ring and middle finger into her vagina, using the pinkie and index finger for support. You will be looking for the area on the roof of her vagina that feels a little rougher to the touch. Gently stroke this area as it gets bigger. At this point you will need plenty of lubrication as you will need to increase the speed using a motion similar to beckoning her forward. As she gets more excited, use some flexes of your bicep to increase her pleasure.

If you framed everything correctly earlier she should feel a watery pressure increase in her urethra. This is the time for her to push down and out and release it. For the first couple of times it will only be a small amount of clear, warm fluid, but over time the amount should increase. This should cause her an intense release. This may or may not be accompanied by an orgasm (Although they commonly happen together this is not always the case) either way it should feel great for her and the best part is that she has made it easier to experience again.

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