Saturday, November 21, 2009

10 Things to Do That Will Make Him Fall More in Love With You

Sometimes we as woman like to push a man's buttons just to see what he's all about and what he'll do for you. He passes the test, "so now what"? Once you got him then he is yours, now you have to make sure it stays that way.

The woman's body is a man's weakness and so is a good meal. If you have a good man and want to keep him happy and satisfied, keep the relationship alive and spontaneous. Of course the men have to put their work in too ladies, it's not a one way street we all know that. Relationships are very hard, they take a lot of time and dedication towards one another. Here are 10 things that will make him love you more and appreciate what he has. If you have a spouse that doesn't appreciate you, you better chastise him to the fullest. If you have no trust and respect in a relationship it might as well be fictitious.

1. The old expression "the way to get to a man's heart is through his stomach" is so, so true. Men love to eat and when you can cook your butt off it's like there's no better thing than a woman who can cook for him. Cook him his favorite meal once in awhile.

2. Show a little skin sometimes, men like to see what they have. A sexy woman can get just about anything she wants and more. Make him see why he was so attracted to you in the first place, flirt with him that never gets old when you are in a relationship. Of course personality counts but looks works better.

3. Cater to his needs, don't be no slave. Never let no one take advantage of you, just let him know you got his back. Make sure he always have clean clothes, men love to have clean socks and draws available at all times.

4. A man loves the scent of a woman there's no sweeter thing than that. Always keep some smell good around. If you don't wear perfume that's ok, the scent of a woman is sweet anyway. Appearance is important, keep your hair up change styles from time to time.

5. Give him good love! There's no better way to please a man than between the sheets. They like being in control, but sometimes when the role is reversed it can be a turn on.

6. Be supportive about his decisions. Don't' dictate him unless you feel like you have too. If you are the one in control all the time, let him have some control too it makes them feel important and shows them that you trust him. Sometimes you have to sacrifice, let him have his way sometimes.

7. Wear some exotic lingerie to bed sometimes. Do some experimenting in the bedroom. Adult toys or sex games can change your whole perspective with it comes to sex.

8. Watch out for his health. Don't let your man let himself go cook healthy meals, but don't run him away. Just make the meals a little more healthier. Show appreciation for all that he does. Stroke his manhood compliment him on his looks and his accomplishments. Don't depend on him for every little thing. Some men don't like women who are independent and others admire it.

9. Make the relationship fun, flash him with your boobs spontaneously make sure the time is right. Surprise him by doing unpredictable things. Keep spunk in the relationship, just don't get too crazy with it.

10. Give him his freedom, let him have his air. Trust where he's going and what he's doing when he's gone. Participate in some of his sports like watching football with him sometimes. Men love woman who like sports just as much as they do or are involved in them every once in awhile. Oh yea! Make sure you keep a six pack of beer in the fridge too. If you don't like him going out all the time suggest that he brings his friends over sometimes.

Well that's it I hope these tips work out for you and hope it makes your relationship better. If any men read this just remember a woman deserves the same treatment. Where there is a good woman there is a good man. A quality man shouldn't be threaten by a woman of equality.

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