Sunday, November 22, 2009

How to Impress a Girl - 2 Important Stunningly Simple Strategies That Impress Every Time

Impressing women is something that most guys always think about doing because they believe if they can successfully impress the women by showing off how much money they make and the expensive car they drive they can make women attracted to them. The truth is behavior like this turns most women off because a woman needs to feel comfortable and secure in a man who is confident in himself and not someone who is judging his self worth by the amount of money he makes only to end up impressing women.

This is someone that most women will not be interested in and if they are interested, it is in his money and not his actual personality which will result in an unsuccessful relationship or even worse a divorce. In this article I will teach you 2 ways you can impress a woman and begin to have her feel attraction for you.

If you want to impress a girl successfully it is important to demonstrate alpha male qualities because this is what women are naturally attracted to. Being alpha means being the leader of the group and in this case being in control of the situation. You can control the situation on your date by always asking the women questions about herself that will lead to whatever end result you may have planned. If you do this successfully she will instantly feel comfortable around you and her attraction for you will increase greatly.

The final way you can impress a women is to act unimpressed by her. Yes this does actually make sense if you take the time to think about it. Instead of worshipping women and putting them above you put them on the same level as you or even below this will make you come off as more confident and make you look like you are a guy who dates plenty of hot women and the women you are with now is just another average one until she proves herself to you. An attitude like this will instantly create attraction in the women for you.

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