Tuesday, November 17, 2009

How Do I Know That My Ex Still Loves Me and Wants to Have Me Back?

You are separated from your ex and you will like to renew your relationship with them, but you don't know what their reaction can possibly be. You can't say whether they will accept you back or they will shun you. Well, there are tell tale signs to make you know weather your ex still wants you back or not.

Does he/she call you once in a while 'just to say hello'? It is because they find themselves thinking of you and of the good old days you both have shared together. Deep in their heart they will like to renew those good old days.

Does he/she call you on your birthday to wish you a happy birthday? It is just because you occupy a position of priority in their heart and that they always remember those good old days when you too were together and they deeply will like to reenact the good old days.

After the separation, does your ex ask for your friendship, does he/she asks to just be friends with you? Then it is only for the purpose of maintaining constant contact with you, he/she finds it difficult to get separated from you. If given the green light, he/she may come rushing back into your hands.

Does he/she still remain single some time after the separation? If you dig deep to find out why, you will discover that it is because he/she can't find a replacement for you and that your ex is waiting for you to fill up that space.

When the two of you meet, does he/she talk about the good old days, and about the things you have done together or the places you have visited together, then you can be sure that this is an indication that your ex still have real strong interest in you and will like to have you back.

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