Sunday, November 22, 2009

Reverse Your Breakup Now! (The Most Disturbing, Yet Important Breakup Reversing Technique!)

What if there was an UNDO button which you could use to reverse your breakup NOW?

What if this UNDO button could literally throw everything from the past out the window?

Read on to find out the most disturbing yet important breaking reversing technique ever discovered....

The sick psychological reality of a breakup -

You may not realize this, but there is an extremely disturbing psychological reality behind every breakup... and it goes something like this:

• Your ex is BORED of you.
• He/she is SICK & TIRED of their expectations NEVER being fulfilled
• Your ex does not feel challenged by you

BUT, that DOES NOT stop your ex from thriving on:

• The attention they get from you now, which is MORE than they got before the breakup.
• The psychological addiction of watching you suffer and chase them around
• The satisfaction of feeling wanted and desired.

HOWEVER the sick psychological reality of this is, that your ex literally TAKES you for granted, AND he/she enjoys USING you.

What is worse, is as long as you are in this sick loop, you will never get your ex back, or reverse the breakup. So you need to get out of this loop.

Getting out of the loop and the UNDO button -

If you want to UNDO something, you would have to also STOP doing whatever it is that caused that thing, agreed?

For instance, if you have a virus in your computer which is deleting all of your documents, wouldn't you first get rid of the virus, and then work to undo it's damage by getting your documents back?

Well of course, and the same thing applies here. You must stop doing everything you are doing now, because this is CAUSING your ex to get a sick psychological satisfaction out of watching you chase them around.

This means you literally need to remove yourself from the scene, and play the hardest game of "hard to get" you have EVER played in your life. You may find it hard, and completely DISTURBING, because it's the last thing you want to do, or would think would work, but it's the ONLY thing which will work, and let me tell you why....

Why this works... and the chain reaction it causes

When you get out of the loop by ignoring your ex, avoiding them, and completely cutting off contact, you end up making your ex feel:

• Unappreciated, disliked, rejected... and ultimately LONELY. This makes him/her seek your attention and cling to you like crazy.

• Deprived- The lack of attention will hurt their ego and they will literally feel deprived and will try to get rid of this feeling by chasing you around.

• Jealous and envious- your ex will dislike the idea that you have just suddenly gotten over them, and will become envious and jealous thinking you must have found someone new.

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