All women have wondered at one point in time, what exactly makes a man fall in love? If we could just figure out the answer to this question, perhaps we could win his heart, and never be alone. Now the answer is not this easy, because if it were we would all have men swooning over us, and lets face it, we do not. However, there is an answer. Men fall in love when their specific needs are being met, and no not only in the bedroom. When a man finally realizes that you are meeting all of these needs, he will commit to you.
Basically, there are four things that men are looking for in a woman. We will go over them in detail here.
Try asking him to fix something for you in your apartment. Make sure you ask for his opinion on different things that you find yourself wondering about. Dress in soft materials, women are delicate, and men pick up on this, they want a soft-hearted woman to take home to mom, not someone in stilettos, and a leather mini skirt. Work on your femininity, it will make him think of you in a different way.
The second thing that makes men fall n love is the need for freedom. Men do not want to be changed, or even feel like they are changing because of a woman. They want to hold on to their identities. This way he will feel strong enough to commit. Try cancelling your plans with him, or making yourself unavailable. This way he will wonder, and open up to a bit more.
Tell him your fears; it will also help him want to share things with you, which leads to love. Tell him you are nervous about commitments, and that way he will not think you are simply looking for a ring or baby, that will only scare him off.
Try changing things in your appearance every once in awhile. Show him you have a few different faces; it keeps things exciting, and will not give him the idea that your relationship is some sort of routine.
Give him some privacy. Let him feel independent even though you may know every move he makes. Do not go through his phone all the time, and make him wonder why these things do not matter to you.
The third things that will make him love you is his need to shine. Yes the fairy tales are true he wants to be a knight in shining armor. Guys want to know that we appreciate them, and respect them. Boost his self-esteem by complicating him, and telling him how much he means to you. Do things that make him happy even when he is not in a good mood.
Try to be social, because men are not always the best at these types of things. Show his friends a good time, and engage in a conversation with their wives.
Play a couple mind games, yes that is right they do work. However, I mean mind games like scrabble, or chess. Show him that you are a good problem solver, and that this is something that is in your genes.
Bring him to an event that will highlight what a great person you are. Bring him to a party from your work where people appreciate you and your hard work. This will make him see that side of you.
The final thing that men want in a woman that they can fall in love with is the need for comfort. Attachment is a process, and involves hormonal activity. You can get these hormones running if you can show him that the two of you are comfortable with each other.
Show him the effort that you put in to look good for him. Brush your hair in front of him, it will show him that you are comfortable with him. However, do not take it too far in that you start asking him to buy you tampons.
Cook him a nice meal. That will make him feel comfortable and appreciated. Especially if you are a good cook.
Fall a sleep on his lap when you are watching a movie. That way he will see you in your most comfortable state.
So there you have it, what will make him fall in love with you. However, there are things that will make him think he is not in love with you too, so be careful and avoid these few things.
First, if men get a big opportunity, it may make them think twice about you. Perhaps they got a big promotion. This could make them think that you will get in the way, so give him some space when he needs it.
Second, the need to fight. If your relationship is too perfect and you never argue, he may think that it is fake. He may think you are not serious about the relationship, or that he can walk all over you. Do not let that happen, and start a fight.
Finally, and this may be out of your control. He may just get scared of the commitment. Maybe his friends are nagging him about missing the big poker night, or maybe he is just scared that he loves you. If this happens, know that sometimes these things are out of our hand.
Basically, there are four things that men are looking for in a woman. We will go over them in detail here.
The first is the need to protect. The desire to shelter a woman, and keep her out of harms way is one of the greatest precursors given to men to notify them that they are in love with you. Now I am not saying that you should pretend you are some helpless damsel in distress, but make your man feel like he plays a role in your life, and has the ability to protect you if you need it. He wants to be in charge of this aspect of your life, so let him.
Try asking him to fix something for you in your apartment. Make sure you ask for his opinion on different things that you find yourself wondering about. Dress in soft materials, women are delicate, and men pick up on this, they want a soft-hearted woman to take home to mom, not someone in stilettos, and a leather mini skirt. Work on your femininity, it will make him think of you in a different way.
The second thing that makes men fall n love is the need for freedom. Men do not want to be changed, or even feel like they are changing because of a woman. They want to hold on to their identities. This way he will feel strong enough to commit. Try cancelling your plans with him, or making yourself unavailable. This way he will wonder, and open up to a bit more.
Tell him your fears; it will also help him want to share things with you, which leads to love. Tell him you are nervous about commitments, and that way he will not think you are simply looking for a ring or baby, that will only scare him off.
Try changing things in your appearance every once in awhile. Show him you have a few different faces; it keeps things exciting, and will not give him the idea that your relationship is some sort of routine.
Give him some privacy. Let him feel independent even though you may know every move he makes. Do not go through his phone all the time, and make him wonder why these things do not matter to you.
The third things that will make him love you is his need to shine. Yes the fairy tales are true he wants to be a knight in shining armor. Guys want to know that we appreciate them, and respect them. Boost his self-esteem by complicating him, and telling him how much he means to you. Do things that make him happy even when he is not in a good mood.
Try to be social, because men are not always the best at these types of things. Show his friends a good time, and engage in a conversation with their wives.
Play a couple mind games, yes that is right they do work. However, I mean mind games like scrabble, or chess. Show him that you are a good problem solver, and that this is something that is in your genes.
Bring him to an event that will highlight what a great person you are. Bring him to a party from your work where people appreciate you and your hard work. This will make him see that side of you.
The final thing that men want in a woman that they can fall in love with is the need for comfort. Attachment is a process, and involves hormonal activity. You can get these hormones running if you can show him that the two of you are comfortable with each other.
Show him the effort that you put in to look good for him. Brush your hair in front of him, it will show him that you are comfortable with him. However, do not take it too far in that you start asking him to buy you tampons.
Cook him a nice meal. That will make him feel comfortable and appreciated. Especially if you are a good cook.
Fall a sleep on his lap when you are watching a movie. That way he will see you in your most comfortable state.
So there you have it, what will make him fall in love with you. However, there are things that will make him think he is not in love with you too, so be careful and avoid these few things.
First, if men get a big opportunity, it may make them think twice about you. Perhaps they got a big promotion. This could make them think that you will get in the way, so give him some space when he needs it.
Second, the need to fight. If your relationship is too perfect and you never argue, he may think that it is fake. He may think you are not serious about the relationship, or that he can walk all over you. Do not let that happen, and start a fight.
Finally, and this may be out of your control. He may just get scared of the commitment. Maybe his friends are nagging him about missing the big poker night, or maybe he is just scared that he loves you. If this happens, know that sometimes these things are out of our hand.
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