Friday, January 15, 2010

Why Men Like to Dump Women

An average man is a seeker, who enjoys being on the prowl. Once they've conquered and enjoyed the conquest, they need a new high and the process repeats. So, hope its clear why men dump women despite having the best woman any man could get. Men are like Don Quixote.

So should women lie low and take it? Never! We were apes eons back, but do we still behave like one today? Hence, from formative years, if men are taught to treat women with respect, and not as sexual objects, men will learn to think less of themselves and their egos. Media and conditioning will do the world a favor if they both stop concentrating so much on the dim-witted male ego!

Women trade sex to gain love and men pretend to love, to get sex. For most men, the act is more of a release, devoid of emotionality. But, sexually involved women cling due to the aftermath and most often because they're emotionally involved. Now, here the situation changes with women as the pursuer and men the 'pursued' and thus a, great excuse for men to dump women. The only solution for women, is to get chased! A whiner is liked by none. A doormat is shunned by all. So, being less uppity and more self-assertive will do. Men like self-confident women. Test the waters before unleashing any kind of emotion.

Men like mystery, but women pine for someone who understands them. A contradiction here! But the gap can certainly be bridged. What are same sex friends for? Little wonder why it's said "Men are from Mars and women from Venus". At least when the chase is on, it's wise to be more enigmatic than baring it all! Take it with a pun or without! When you're sure of a commitment, bare it all. Why men dump women is because they're bored.

A coward enjoys being on top literally. Some men, even in developed countries dread women being very demanding sexually; this is more so in Asian countries. However, this is usually seen in men who are not so self- confident. This can be befuddling to women who have to try hard to strike a balance between being playful and initiating sex without being demanding. Men dump women whom they perceive to be aggressive.

This only shows that men have a long way to go to become more sensitive, matured, selfless; less egoistic and think less of themselves. Mothers who rock cradles will make the world a better place if they educate their sons to be better humans!

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