Sunday, December 13, 2009

How Do I Know If He is the One?

You have been dating for a few weeks, months or even years, but you keep asking yourself the question: "How can I be sure he is THE one"?" Sometimes people keep themselves from fully committing to a relationship because they want to be certain they are making the right choice. The answer to this question is easier than you think. But it may require a change in how you look at things.

Usually we look at the actions of our partners. We ask: Does he bring me flowers? Is he considerate? Does he remember our anniversary? Is he supportive of my life, work and hobbies? However, to figure out if the man you are with is right for you, you should stop looking at him is and start focusing on yourself.

The questions you need to ask yourself are:

-Does being with him bring out the best in me?
-Do I feel like I can truly be myself when I am around him?
-Do I feel a sense of contentment when we are together?
-Do I feel complete when I am with him?

If the answers to these questions are no, then perhaps you should consider whether or not this relationship is worth hanging on to. If the answers are yes, then there is a good chance that this relationship is worth fighting for. Whether or not a man brings you flowers or remembers your anniversary is irrelevant UNLESS you need these kind of things to be really happy. Everyone has needs in a relationship and you need to determine if your needs are being met by the person you are with. But you have to be honest about what it is that you need. It should not be what society or your friends tell you that you need, but rather what it is you need. If you have recently broken up with someone but have answered yes to the above questions, then it is definitely time to devise a strategy to get him back.

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