Saturday, December 5, 2009

Ancient Tantra - The Tantric Attitude Towards Sex

A shloka (stanza) from 'Tantra Rahasayam' describes Tantra as 'Tanyate vistaryate jnanam anemna iti tantram' (Tantra is the divine scripture by which the light of advanced spiritual knowledge is spread).

Ancient tantra is a mystic system of psycho-spiritual meditations and self-realization techniques that originated in India. It is still practiced in its authentic entirety in certain quarters, and fortunate indeed is the one who finds a tantra teacher who follows the original path.

The art of tantra is, collectively, a large set of specific tantra techniques that includes yamas, niyamas, asanas, mudras, pratyaharas, dharanas, dhyanas and samadhi techniques. These tantra techniques are considered an integral part of tantric self-realization and awareness.

One can also define tantra as a combination of tattva (the advanced science of cosmic principles), and mantra (the science of mystic sound and energy vibrations) and its various applications. Authentic tantra is based on the harmonization of this combination, raising its intensity to unlimited potency.

Tantra can further the growth of human consciousness in all its manifestations - in personal advancement, health, business, and knowledge - treating mind, body and spirit as aspects of the One Intelligence.

However, there is a unique aspect to tantra - unlike several religions and paths that preach abstinence from pleasure, tantra proclaims that a life without pleasure is no life at all. Moreover, our desires will continue to haunt us until they are allowed to reach their peak; only after that can they be sublimated. Tantra says that the transcendental experience of sexual union should be utilized in our path to spiritual awareness.

Does that mean that the paths that teach abstinence are wrong? No! It simply means that they advocate the attainment of transcendence by different methods. Tantra aims for the transcendence of the transient world. It aims at giving its practitioners experiences of intense meditation.

Tantra recognizes sex as an important part of a person's being and the development of the soul, but also states that acquiring the right balance is of great importance. Those who learn tantra use it as a spiritual path that does not ask them to sacrifice their sexual activities. They may do so because of their personal disposition or because they are involved in family life.

Rather than suppressing our sexual inclinations, tantra asks us to utilize the power of sex to gain transcendence. It instructs us not to engage in sexual 'play', but rather to use sex as a ladder to spiritual consciousness. Sex will not stop the continual distraction in one's mind, but when sexual urges are strong, it is better to utilize them for spiritual purposes rather than to suppress them.

Through the experiences gained by tantric union and also through other, non-sexual tantra techniques, one can evolve spiritually and gradually lose mundane interest in sex. Finally, when the mind's attention is diverted from sex, it becomes ready for serious spiritual sadhana. That is the prerequisite for greater spiritual evolution.

Remember - tantra does not preach indiscriminate sexual play. It has set specific rules on how sexual energy must be utilized. These rules have to be strictly followed; otherwise one can suffer from a premature awakening of the chakras. This is a potentially life-threatening situation that often occurs in the absence of guidance from a knowledgeable tantra master.

Those who wish to learn the sexual aspect of tantric sadhana must do so under the tutelage of a tantra teacher who will lay down and enforce these guidelines.

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