Friday, March 26, 2010

Will My Boyfriend Take Me Back? Signs He's Still in Love With You

Will my boyfriend take me back? That's a question that many women wish they knew the answer to when they realize they're still crazy about their ex boyfriend. Love isn't always easy and once you go through a break up and discover he's actually the man for you, you're in a bad place. Most people will tell you that the best thing you can do is just forget him and move on. You know that's just not possible. Love isn't something you can turn on and off and once you find it, it's incredibly hard to let it go. If your boyfriend still has feelings for you, a reunion between the two of you may actually be in your near future. If you've been wondering whether he has lingering feelings too, there are signs he's still in love with you that will help.

When you're wondering to yourself, will my boyfriend take me back, consider how often he's reached out to you since the break up. When a relationship ends and the man is ready to move on and meet someone else, he'll typically limit his communication with his old girlfriend. He wants to start fresh and that means breaking off the connection they shared. If he's still feeling close to you, he'll want to talk with you. He may call you frequently just to see how you're doing or he's been inviting you out for coffee or a drink. If this sounds like your current relationship with your ex boyfriend, he's definitely not over you yet.

Another of the signs he's still in love with you is the way he looks at you. When a man is in love with a woman, even one that he's no longer with, you can see it in his gaze. He'll have trouble looking away from her and he'll try and make eye contact with her as much as possible. Take special notice of this the next time you see your ex boyfriend. Watch his eyes and see how often they lock with yours. If he can't seem to look away, he's feeling some longing for you still.

His interest in your current dating status is also a great way to gauge what he's feeling. Just as you're fearful that he'll meet someone new and fall in love, he's likely feeling that about you. If he casually asks if you've met someone new, he's not asking just to make small talk. He's interested and that means you need to be careful with how you answer. Don't make the mistake of trying to make him jealous by pretending there's a new man. Keep yourself single and free so that when your ex does finally tell you he still loves you, you'll be available to be with him.

1 nhận xét:

Lara Jericho said...

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