Saturday, March 13, 2010

Could This Be True Love? - Reading His Cryptic Messages

Do you feel you could really be onto something with this guy and you can't wait to find out if this is true love or not? Are you afraid this could turn out to be a one sided love affair? Have you been trying to figure out how he feels about you, but he's just too vague? Men let slip certain little telltale signs regarding their feelings. Here's what to look out for.

Whether the guy is very outgoing, shy, fearful or brash, he'll give off some sign of interest in you. Sometimes it can be as fragile as the gleam in his eye when he looks at you, or it can be in the little ways he pays attention to your needs. Even the shyest guy will want to ensure that you feel special when you're around him. He'll tell you how pretty you are and will make subtle attempts at romance.

The hardest to read are guys who've been hurt. They may be reluctant to open their hearts again and trust. They may deny to themselves and to you the growing love they feel. If you believe this could be the case with your man, give him time and space, all while looking for those tiny signs of love. Even if he is fearful, he will show a reluctant desire to be with you more and more.

While some guys can be very difficult to read, it's a pretty safe bet that if the guy is only planning to do things he likes, he doesn't care too much about you or your feelings. Give him one final test by asking him to an outing you're really excited about (give the guy a chance and avoid things like the ballet, opera or museum if you know he's not into that at all) and if he still refuses, he may just be too selfish to love someone else.

Men can get downright obsessively protective of the woman they love. A man will want to do things to show he wants to take care of you. If you present your man with a problem and he shrugs and talks of something else, that's not a great sign. At the very least he should show concern, a degree of support, a possible solution to your problem, or a helping hand to resolve the situation.

Of course the ultimate sign of affection is a promise of commitment. Be fair and give the guy ample time to come to the realization that dating you has become something far bigger and more intense than he may have anticipated. However, if months have passed and he doesn't mention or make the slightest move towards an exclusive relationship, this is a guy who has no intention of settling down.

If you give him the time he needs and continue to be the loving woman you've been all along, he'll make his love for you loud and clear.

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