Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Loving With Ease

Loving with ease means to love unconditionally. What is unconditional love, and what does it mean to you? Unconditional love means loving without condition meaning you let the person become what he wants to be by allowing him to do the things that will make him happy, respecting his choices, and accepting his flaws. This sounds rather difficult or maybe unfair because you expect to be loved the way you love the other person but putting restrictions to your relationship is not going to make you happy either because your partner is not your property and this may put a strain in your relationship or this will show that you don't trust him enough.

The reason why many people have trust issues with their current relationships is because of the emotional baggage they carry from relationships to relationships but you must remember that your partner now has nothing to do with your previous relationships so punishing him is unfair on his part. Besides, whatever bad experience you had is all in the past and unless he gives you a reason to be insecure with your relationship now, then you should resolve this issue right away. Bear in mind, that no matter how many failed relationships you have in the past, you can start over and over again until you make it right because you deserve another chance to make your relationships work and be happy. And if you are able to develop that particular mindset then you will be able to improve your circumstance by being the right person for the relationship and attract more of these to your reality.

If you were to love unconditionally, you should never expect your partner to live up to your expectation because the moment you do that, you are trying to change the way you want to be loved that's why if your partner do what he wants you take it against yourself that sometimes it even leads you to conclude that he loves you less. Truth is, allowing him to enjoy outside of your relationship will make him grow as a person and you send him a message that you trust him. Note that by doing so, you will also make him realize how much he loves you as he will notice the difference between the kind of happiness he feels when he is with friends and when he is with you. That will then make him determine what is more important. Do not fear because love will always bring him home to you. Lay some ground rules and respecting these rules on your relationship will make you both more committed to each other. Be aware that rules are not restrictions. It's just a basis of what you are allowed and not allowed to do. Both of you should understand your responsibility and limitations for harmonious relationship.

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