Prolong Orgasm - Time Tested Herbs to Give You Harder Erections and Longer Lasting Sex!

If want to prolong orgasm and enjoy better sex then the herbs enclosed will help you get harder, stay harder longer and increase satisfaction from orgasm. These herbs have been used for thousands of years and are now available, in the best natural sex pills in highly concentrated formula's, to help you enjoy better sex naturally - let's take a look at them...

This article is written from a male perspective but these herbs will also work for women to and the reason why is they increase blood flow into the sex organs, increase sexual desire and boost testosterone, a key sex chemical for both sexes. The herbs work best when combined together, so let's look at all the benefits they can give you.

First we are going to look at the best blood circulation herbs, as soon as you become aroused you need to get more blood to the pelvic region and three Chinese Herbs, will help you do this and they are Ginger,Ginseng and Ginkgo Biloba. When the blood is near the sex organs, it needs to enter and for this to occur, Nitric oxide needs to be secreted. Nitric oxide allows more blood to enter into the sex organs and swell them and in a man, no erection is possible without it - so why is it so important?

The reason is because it dilates the blood vessels which feed the sex organs, widens them and allows more blood into harden them. If you want an erection and one that lasts a long time, you simply need this chemical and you can get it from the herbs - Horny Goat Weed and Cnidium which have been used for thousands of years, to increase levels safely and naturally.

Next you need lots of energy and that means high levels of testosterone, if you don't get enough testosterone, you will not feel in the mood for sex and may suffer from chronic fatigue. To get levels up, take Tribulus which is seen as the best testosterone booster of all and will work quickly, to increase libido and give you more sexual stamina.

Many of the herbs we have looked at already, will also reduce stress and anxiety which can lead to poor sexual performance and the most famous tonic herbs are Ginseng and Ginkgo Biloba but you can also add a couple of others to give your health and sex drive a boost; the famous South American Herbs Catuaba Bark and Maca, will lift mood and increase energy and are great body tonics.


The 5 Tell-Tale Signs That Your Ex Wants to Get Back Together With You

If your partner broke up with you, there might be some regret. Maybe your ex realizes that they left a relationship that was essentially healthy and good. If your ex hasn't already gotten involved with someone new, there is a chance they might want to get back together. There are telltale signs that your ex may still love you and want to reconcile:

1. Your ex shows some regret

Since it is often hard for people to admit mistakes, your ex may not directly state their regrets. Rather, hints may be dropped by saying they miss something that had special meaning from your time together.

2. You ex keeps contacting you

Your ex might "keep in touch" from time to time because of residual care or mild guilt. But if they are texting, emailing, and calling with any frequency, it is a strong signal that they want to get back together.

3. Your ex snoops around

If your friends keep telling you that your ex asked about you again - what you've been doing, if you're dating, how you are - they are probably thinking of you a lot, and worried that you might slip away for good.

4. Your ex remembers often brings up the past

Talking about, laughing about, and generally reliving the good times you had together is a clear signal to everyone around that your ex misses you and wants to get back together. The more friends hear about your past together, the more obvious it is that your ex is thinking of you all the time.

5. Your ex is still single

This sign can be misread if some of the other four are not not present. It may be that your ex needs time alone, or is finding it hard to risk being hurt again. However, if some of the other four signs are present, they are likely single because they want to get back together with you.


Tips to Make a Girl Climax Fast - Give Her the Most Earth Shaking Orgasm She Could Ever Have

Contrary to what they may let on, women love sex just as men do. In fact, because of their capacity for multiple orgasms, they're technically hornier than men as they can go on and on into the wee hours of the morning. The real challenge in asking her to bed is how to make her realize you're worth going with. Some men just don't easily jump the gun for fear of ending up with a lousy guy who has no clue on the tips to make a girl climax fast.

Sex is easy as pie, but the challenging part is pleasing your partner so that she'll never ever forget your name. If you're the type who would just fling away panties and stuff and pump away going off in just 5 minutes, wow you need some serious help. Yes, you do, because soon, you might discover all the girls are practically saying no every time you attempt to lure her to your room. As much as women are clingy and faithful, if they're fed up with your lousy performances in bed, she might think twice about being with you to begin with.

The female body is no stranger than your car. All it takes is a little familiarization and pretty soon, you'll get the hang of it and will be able to 'drive' it good. The hotspots of a woman's body are her tongue, lips, boobs, belly, buttocks and vagina. But you must know how to see beyond the surface in order to really turn her on. You need to use your tools in order to work it - tongue, hands, and penis all in equal measure.

It all begins with good talk. You must be a good conversationalist in order to strike a chord in her heart. When talking to her, make sure you shower her praises at least 60 percent of the time. The other 40 should be used to brandish yourself, your good points, anything interesting about you. But don't fall into the trap of being overly confident that she'd get turned off because you're bragging too much about yourself. Doing this makes you some balloon filled with hot air - just hot air.

As soon as both of you have ended up in bed, take the reigns and be in control. Let your hands do their thing - grab a breast, pull a leg, massage her buttocks. Be gentle, but at the same time, be firm. Show her that there couldn't have been a better place for her than in your arms. Knowing how to work the clitoris and the vagina are essential tips to make a girl climax fast. So get down there, get dirty, lick it all away until she screams so loud begging you to take all of her.


How to Feel Juicy & Stay Juicy

Remember the moment when you knew your partner was the one you wanted to share your life with? Has that feeling sustained? If not, we assure you, that feeling can return and even be stronger!

Let's get right into some helpful info that will transform your life.

Men - Invest in your relationship & reap the juicy rewards

Having a juicy intimate relationship will probably be of great interest to most men. "As for most of us guys all it takes is a little wind to blow & we're ready to romp and roll," says Cary.

Did you ever realize how important it is to warm your woman's heart and that's what is going to get her juices flowing?

Ever see the movie Groundhog Day where Bill Murray learned how to woo his woman, Andie MacDowell? Great wisdom here for us guys to learn to turn our hard-ons into heart-ons. Learning how to move from having sex to lovemaking.

But how the heck do you that? Begin with taking the time to unwind.

You may not want to invest the time to talk with your woman and listen attentively to what is going on in her thoughts and life. But it will be very worth the investment.

There's a good chance she is warring with thoughts about herself, that she isn't beautiful enough or adequate enough in some area, which is souring her sweet feminine essence.

Help her get to the root of this pattern which has probably been going on for years or all of her life.

In future articles we'll show you how to "complete and delete" these old painful programs and patterns once and for all and live together in a constant state of juicy sweetness.

Women - "Ain't Mama Happy, Ain't Nobody Happy"

Have you ever realized that you set the tone of your home?

Do you know that you have a choice at any given moment to be sweet or a sourpuss, which has a great effect on your partner and family?

Have you ever imagined you could be free forever of struggles with your body image and enjoy lovemaking all the time?

Are you aware of what worries or concerns your man is dealing with?

Time to get transparent. The more you are honest with each other about what haunts you, the more your relationship will naturally get juicy.

This enhanced level of juiciness in the relationship will open the doorway to get you passionate about new creative business ideas and hobbies. You will be inspired to discover refreshing ways to relate to your children encouraging them also to reach to their greatest potential.

If you don't invest time in yourselves & each other, then you will probably find yourselves living on separate islands in the same house which could lead to a costly break-up, emotionally & financially. Case in point, the recent news about John Cleese's divorce settlement.

Wow, another example of what happens when you lose that "lovin' feeling".

Tip of the day:

* Begin to deepen your connection with your partner over coffee, tea or a glass of wine.
* Ask your partner, what's your biggest reoccurring fear? i.e. fear of money, loss, aging, not looking good enough, not pleasing each other intimately.
* Then ask each other, what are your dreams (some of you may not know what your dreams are, this a good place to start)?


Female Ejaculation Orgasm - How to Give a Squirting Orgasm Guide

When I used to go to seminars and read books one mistake that I heard countless times was that the female ejaculation orgasm was something that had been discovered recently. Only our enlightened times, went the argument, could women have the chance to experience this.


In fact cultures have known about the female ejaculation orgasm for centuries. One visit to the erotic temples of India or even a casual investigation of the Kama Sutra will quickly change your mind. Some temples have a fresco covered with images of it. An even weirder (And somewhat ironic twist) is that some scholars are now seriously writing that the 'fountain ready to burst' described in the biblical Song of Solomon is an early reference to this phenomena. Even in the supposedly conservative 1920's, sex books covered the topic.

However what is true is that the first mentions of it in medical literature were more recent. We have the awesome Dr. Grafenberg to thank for that (The same guy whose name is the origin of the 'G' in 'G-spot'). He also used the term 'gushing' orgasm, which is still a popular slang term for the female ejaculation orgasm now. Unfortunately Grafenberg deserved more respect than he received, as the more influential authors about sex Masters and Johnson, ignored his claims almost entirely.

We had to wait until almost 1998 for the first serious medical discussions to begin and this is where a lot of confusion lies.

Preparation for the First Female Ejaculation Orgasm

Some scientists question whether all women can have ejaculation orgasms. In my experience they can, but it can take a long time or a short time.

To have this kind of orgasm, women need to practice their Kegel exercises, this will give them the muscular control to push out as they orgasm and release the fluid. Therefore as well as practicing squeezes, she will need to practice pushing out ('Butterflies') too.

The other thing that needs to happen before sex is for her to understand the process. The female ejaculation is released from the urethra, so it can feel like she is about to pee. Therefore she should understand that it is different to pee and that it is okay for her to let herself go. This is usually the major roadblock on the way to orgasms, so getting the framing right at this point makes all the difference.

Most people do not know that there are two kinds of female ejaculation orgasm: clitoral and G-spot. The G-spot is the easiest to do, but has a similar principle to the clitoral, so we will discuss it here. Once you can do the G-spot orgasm, it is easy to transfer the technique over to the clitoral squirting orgasm.

The Female Ejaculation Orgasm How to

The mood becomes all important for this orgasm, as she needs to feel the process to really get into the mood. Lots of foreplay is also needed as you need her vagina to become engorged before you start any serious stimulation.

Make sure your nails are trimmed (They should not hurt if you rub them across your lip). Insert the ring and middle finger into her vagina, using the pinkie and index finger for support. You will be looking for the area on the roof of her vagina that feels a little rougher to the touch. Gently stroke this area as it gets bigger. At this point you will need plenty of lubrication as you will need to increase the speed using a motion similar to beckoning her forward. As she gets more excited, use some flexes of your bicep to increase her pleasure.

If you framed everything correctly earlier she should feel a watery pressure increase in her urethra. This is the time for her to push down and out and release it. For the first couple of times it will only be a small amount of clear, warm fluid, but over time the amount should increase. This should cause her an intense release. This may or may not be accompanied by an orgasm (Although they commonly happen together this is not always the case) either way it should feel great for her and the best part is that she has made it easier to experience again.


Make a Guy Fall in Love - The Right Things to Do

Do you want to make a guy fall in love with you? Are you ready to do the right things to make it happen? Are you tired of being the only one to love? If you are ready for more from your relationships and ready to be loved like you deserved then now is the time to start your relationships off right. You want to do everything right to make a guy fall in love with you!

1. Sex.
Sex is great and if you only want a hot and passionate night or two go for it. However, if you are wanting a lasting relationship and wanting to make a guy fall in love with you then you need to work hard to avoid sex at the start of that relationship. You need to build up your friendship and your bond with him before you have sex with him. When you finally add sex to it the relationship should be strong and secure before hand. Then it will be even better and your relationship will be stronger for it.

2. Slow.
You need to take things slow and easy. You don't need to rush. There should be no big hurry. If you can relax and take it slow and easy you will make him much more comfortable. When he is more comfortable it will show because he will be able to relax and fall in love. It will still take time, but it will happen at a much quicker pace.

3. Friends.
Men may laugh at the idea of real friendship with a woman, but deep down this is what they want from their relationships. They need friendship and it will make them fall in love. You want to become his best friend. Listen when he talks, support him in all that he does, and take an interest in his interests. If you can do these things you will be able to make him fall in love with you and that is important.

These three things aren't always the easiest things in the world to do, but if you can do them then you will find that they are the right things to do. You will make a guy fall in love with you by avoiding sex, taking things slow, and becoming his best friend. Just be patient and remember that it takes time.


How to Sexually Arouse a Woman

There are millions of men worldwide who are searching for ways to arouse their women so that they can make her orgasm. In this article let us find out some of the proven ways through which a women can be fully aroused to the level that she cannot resist having a fulfilling sex session with you.

What Is the Cause of Problem Faced By Both Partners?

It is a well known fact that for men sex is all about fun and pleasure but for women sex is a very important step she takes to take her relationship to an all new level all together. For women sex enhances emotional bonding with her partner. While men are ready for sex with an erection in seconds women need to be aroused through romantic talks, cuddling, fondling. The problem arises in cases where by the time a woman is ready for intercourse her partner is already done with the act this can also be sometimes referred as premature ejaculation problem.

How to Arouse a Woman

To arouse a woman is not as difficult a thing as men make it. Let us lay out the details to find out how you can satisfy your partner next time you go to bed with her.

1. The first and foremost thing is to make her feel comfortable in your company to a level at which she sheds all her inhibitions and starts sharing even her wildest fantasies. This will make you more prepared because you would know what she has in mind and what she expects from you in bed.

2. When you know that you too are going to have sex it is very important not too rush things. It is a great idea to build up to the moment by having a nice romantic dinner together followed by a dance in which you could whisper in her ears all you wish to do with her ( whispering in ears is also a very effective way to arouse a women ). Also you can put her favorite flowers on the bed as well as keep the lights dim in the room which makes them look erotic.

3. Start arousing her body by stimulating areas like breasts, neck, her ears, inner thigh is also one of the most erogenous zones of the body which immediately sends shivers in her body. Also you can stimulate her clitoris with your tongue or finger whichever way you both feel comfortable.

4. After she is ready for sexual intercourse insert your penis and slowly start stroking her and after she is fully lubricated then start stroking her hard so that she can feel every inch of you inside her.

5. Following the above steps will definitely help her achieve an orgasm if not multiple orgasms.

Low Libido Problem

Although the above methods will definitely arouse her and make her orgasm but if she is suffering from low libido problem you can take the help of some herbal medicines which will enhance the estrogen levels in her body which is an essential hormone for sex in women. Some of the herbs you can use are saw palmetto, epimedium or fenugreek


How Do I Make My Husband Love Me Again? Ways to Win His Heart

Satirist, Mark Twain, once wrote, "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." It is impossible to make your husband love you again, when you don't know how your actions might be part of the problem.

• Hold your tongue. Listen to how you communicate with one another. Put yourself in your partner's shoes and ask yourself how you'd feel if the roles were reversed. What may have been cute when you were dating might be hurtful or inappropriate, at times. If you argue, don't get into the habit of saying things you have to apologize for later. In all your interactions, be respectful and his love for you will begin to grow.

• Size matters. Don't belittle him. Whether you're the breadwinner, or the only thing keeping the family or relationship working resist the urge to throw it in his face. He may silently worry if he's doing enough, if he's keeping you happy and doing a good job providing for you so feed his ego. Let him know how much you appreciate his presence in your life and it will be even easier to make your husband love you again.

• Remember the past. Greek astronomer, Ptolemy, believed the sun revolved around the earth. Don't repeat history. When you're in a loving relationship, it can be easy to forget that you're not the only person involved; the world doesn't revolve around you. It's also a good practice to act as though you're still dating. Remember how scary it was when you weren't sure of his feelings. Remember how great it felt when he said, "I love you." Remember how liberating it was when you found out he liked you better without make-up or that you didn't have to suck in your stomach anymore because he loves your belly. When you remember what made you fall in love, rather than harp on insignificant flaws, your love for him will be radiant and magnetic.

• Paper burns, rips, and can be shredded. Many women believe that the marriage certificate is a pair of shackles, instead of paper. Ever notice how we can treat our family, when we know they are stuck with us? We don't call until we need something, we forget birthdays and important events, we can be flaky, needy, moody and immature and after all that, we still expect family to love us. If you adopt this attitude with your marriage, you will fail at making your husband love you again. Flirt with him, make him feel sexy and masculine, get him to open the pickle jar when you know you can do it yourself. Learn to need him and he will realize how much he needs you!


Advanced Oral Sex Tips - For Women Who Want to Be the Best Lover Their Man Has Ever Had

Many women don't know the truly mind-blowing oral sex moves that drive men wild because they don't like giving fellatio. Learning the most sacred moves takes a lot of experience and experimentation. This article gathers information from many female experiences to bring the best tips and tricks to you.

Advanced oral sex tips

One of the best advanced tips involves the upper lip and the tongue. Everyone knows that teeth obviously do not make for a pleasurable experience during fellatio, and so woman try their best to keep them away. The one method that allows women to not have to worry about teeth involves extending the tongue fully out of the mouth. The tongue lays fully outside of the mouth and acts like the lower lip. This prevents any of the bottom teeth form ever coming in contact with the erection. Then to shield the upper teeth, the upper lip is gently curved around the edges of the upper teeth. This will create a totally safe and sensuous mouth. This may take some practice, but once you get it learned, your man will love it.

Another move that is not known by a lot of women at all, has to do with the orgasm of the man. You can actually pull the semen out of his testicles by creating a suction with your mouth when he is near climaxing. This is not simply swallowing his semen when he has an orgasm. This is pulling out his semen when he is near orgasm. This can be done with repeated strong suction and will drive your man nuts if you can do it.


Sultry Summer Bridesmaid Dress Ideas

With the warm summer heat and a sense of sexiness in the night air bridesmaids want to look and feel sexy in their dresses. Give them something they can feel confident in as well as get the attention of the groomsmen! These sultry summer bridesmaid dress styles are sure to turn a few heads, make the ladies feel great and give them something they can actually wear again.

Asymmetrical knee length

Dresses with asymmetrical cuts are unusual, interesting and stylish. The cut can be in the hemline, the neckline or both. Some asymmetrical dresses start with a one shoulder cut and cascade into the same shape all the way to the bottom. This is perfect for a spicy summer early evening affair where the setting sun shows off the girls' legs and plays up the fun of the dress.

Black cocktail mini

Take a traditional black cocktail dress and put a spin on it by making it a mini. Think "flapper style" and you're on the right track. Fun, flirty and full of detail. Since it's a basic black lots of beading and detailing will make it more formal while still maintaining the sexiness of the style.

Sweetheart wrap

The sweetheart neckline looks great on most women, both those with small busts and those with large busts. Pair it with a sexy wrap style that minimizes any stomach issues by cinching the waist and scrunching everything else together. For those who want to show off some leg choose a style with the additional reverse sweetheart bottom so the hem mirrors the neckline and becomes slightly suggestive for those naughty bridesmaids. This style is great for a Vegas type party wedding.

Floor-length slits

A sexy dress doesn't necessarily have to be short. In fact a long dress with a deep leg slit on one side can be incredibly hot. This style of dress looks best when made of silk and chiffon as the material then floats effortlessly and each leg stepping out is accentuated. This makes for a great summer bridesmaid dress because it's formal while exuding a summer flair.

Fishtail halter

A fishtail halter in a bright or vibrant color makes the best choice for a summer bridesmaid dress for the bride trying to choose something beach-like and carefree. The halter makes for a carefree dress style that the bride doesn't have to worry about pulling up while the fishtail accentuates the legs and when paired with a set of heels it compliments the curves of the body as she walks.

Deep V-cuts

Deep front and back V-cuts are sexy and make an otherwise typical dress instantly glamorous and fun. This looks perfect on satin dresses that are known to be traditional bridesmaid attire but the V-cuts give it the edge and difference it needs.

Bold patterns and prints

Nothing says summer more than bright colors and bold patterns or prints. Avoid the ordinary and choose something extraordinary with some fun prints or patterns that will liven up your photos.


6 Hot Techniques to Seduce a Guy - How to Make Him Go Totally Crazy For You

We all have that moment when we can't help but get our hormones raging for the opposite sex, we instantly feel sexy and absolutely seductive -- and the desire is obviously there, raw and real. Now, when it comes to techniques in seducing a guy, there are countless ways to try your luck and see if he falls for your charms. You don't have to be totally drop dead gorgeous or by the most expensive clothes or wear the most killer heels. Sometimes, all you need is confidence and the right attitude to make it all happen. And of course, a luscious lipstick helps too. Without further introductions, here are the top seven hot techniques to seduce a guy -- learn how to make him go totally crazy for you now!

- Make it a habit to be made-up. Always aim to look, smell and feel good. It's true that most guys would instantly go crazy for someone looking hot that's why we need to get this part polished. He obviously needs to talk to you sooner or later. Feeling good about yourself will definitely make all the difference.

- Know a few flirting basics. Maintain eye contact most of all -- flirting will never be same without that. You have to remember that flirting is the most basic way to get a guy's attention. Send mixed signals, play with his imagination and practice the look guys go crazy about -- wanting him but not really.

- Get his attention. One way to do that is to actually be interesting. It's cool if he already knows you but that's not enough. You need to approach him first and do the introductions -- having guts to do that will definitely get his attention.

- Tease his imagination. Don't reveal so much about yourself right away. The key thing to remember here is to make him intrigued and totally more curious about you. So next time, he asks about your weekend, don't jump in providing all the facts.

- Be irresistible. The easiest way to do this is by actually feeling that you're irresistible. You have to be irresistible. Love yourself, feel sexy, feel seductive -- it will show and reflect little by little.

- Play hard-to-get. Make him come back for more. Don't be too easy or else he won't take you so seriously. Men love a little challenge so give it to him. Make sure not to lead him on so long or he'll get tired too. Make him enjoy the chase.


How to Get Back With Your Ex - Fast and Easy

Going through a serious break up can be extremely tough on even the strongest of hearts. You will have the period that you are missing your ex each and every hour of each day that passes. Then the time will come where you start to hate the person who tore your heart out of your chest and literally stomped on it and handed it back. This stage will soon pass onto the maybe we can still be friends' stage. It really doesn't matter what stage you're, in there will be times where you want your ex back in your life. Just knowing how to win his or her heart is the problem.

Before you head out and try to get your ex back into your life there are some things that you need to know. Are they in another relationship? Did your ex leave you for someone else? This can make winning the back a little harder but not impossible. Being nice to your ex during this period is essential in showing them what they miss without being with you. Remember that they are focused on the other person, so prove to them that you are the one that they should be with. Make them know that they can not live without you in their life.

Winning Them Back

Be nice. Even though this might be the hardest part of winning them back it is very important. This person hurt you more than you have ever been hurt, so being nice might be difficult. Being nice each time you see them, say hi and ask how they are doing. Showing that you care for them still can start the thinking of does this person still love me. Once they begin to wonder if they still love you the seed is planted in their mind. Work it and cultivate that love. Showing your ex that you can forgive them for what they have done will help the transition back to you that much easier.

What if I hurt them, will they still come back? Even though this can prove to be a little more difficult in winning their heart and getting your ex back into your life it still is not impossible. You have a long and hard road ahead to travel, go slow. You need to show them that you are willing to accept that you are at fault for your relationship falling apart. Asking them to forgive you is always the best starting point here. You have to regain their trust, start out as a friend and work you way up to where you want to be.

There may come a time in this process where you or both of you decide that you want to give the relationship another chance. Then go for it, the process is complete you have won your ex back into your life. On the flip side of this both of you could decide that it is over and it's time to move on. This is going to be difficult but sometimes it is the only way to accept the fact that your ex doesn't want you back. Either way the thing to remember is that life is a great thing and you will find someone who loves you for who you are. Live your life to be happy.


How to Seduce a Woman Easily - Without Having to Look Like Tom Cruise

When a woman suddenly comes to the realization she's in love with a guy, she swoons. That doesn't necessarily mean that she's going to pass out cold on the floor - but she may show other signs, such as increased heart rate, blushing, and that look of pure adoration.

Who wouldn't want to be the guy that makes women swoon? You don't need to look like a movie star to do it, either. This easy system consists of 3 just simple skills, so there's no reason not to try it out.

How To Seduce A Woman Easily - Without Having To Look Like Tom Cruise

Tactic #1. Courtship Tips - If your standard method is to start with the "cold approach" and then escalate with innuendo and light touching, then here's a good tip. Girls love a man who can chat all night with them. During your conversation, move near her and lightly touch her in a totally platonic way. If you can be forward without being forceful and lead the conversation, girls will really like you.

Girls these days are really smart, which means you must be able to hold a conversation. A clever girl can easily just use you for drinks and then ditch you if she realizes that you're nervous. Get her attracted to you by providing compelling conversation that she can't get enough of.

Tactic #2. Show Your Sensitive Side - Letting a woman see your softer side will go a long way toward getting her to let down her barriers. Just because you have a manly façade doesn't mean you can't show your feelings. Share with her a story that she relates too emotionally. Even if you lack a good story, you can borrow one from a friend or even a movie, or just make one up. Ultimately, showing your vulnerability will make her reveal hers, and then you're in.

Tactic #3. Hypnotize Her - Along the same lines as the second tip, you need to get her to feel drawn to you. You can employ hypnosis techniques in a subtle way to draw her in even as you talk about normal things - such methods have been used before. One hypnotic technique, known as fractionation, is said to make a girl fall in love almost instantly - in 15 minutes or less. While it's sometimes frowned upon, this technique is remarkably effective.


Increase Blood Flow to the Penis - Last Longer, Get Harder and Prolong Orgasm Naturally!

Here we are going to look at some herbs which have been used for thousands of years to increase blood flow to the penis and they work quickly, to help you last longer in bed and enjoy better and more satisfying sex.

This article is written from a male perspective - but these herbs also work for women too, as both sexes need the sex organs to swell quickly when they become aroused.

Let's now look at how an erection is formed and while everyone knows that more blood needs to be sent to the pelvic region on arousal, few men however are aware of the role of nitric oxide which is the chemical which is the key to an erection.

Nitric oxide acts to regulate blood flow into the penis; when you become aroused, nitric oxide secretion begins and this dilates and expands the blood vessels, so an increased amount of blood can flood in to the penis, harden it and an erection is the end result. If you don't secrete enough nitric oxide no erection can ever co0me to fruition - so its vitally important that you get enough.

To get he blood to the pelvic region ready to enter the penis, you can take Ginseng, Gingko Biloba and Cistanche Bark. To get more nitric oxide, you can take Horny Goat Weed and Cnidium which will both increase nitric oxide production quickly and also stop PDE5 build up which can prevent a hard erection occurring.

To ensure that you stay harder for longer and have plenty of sexual energy, you need lot's of testosterone. You can get it from the herbs Tribulus and Tongkat Ali. These herbs also contain sterols that increase sex drive and sensitivity, as well as prevent SHBG levels which can cause erection failure.


How to Get Him in the Mood - Sexy Techniques to Get Him All Fired Up

When things go impossibly hard to deny (getting turned-on) we just can't help but take matters into our own hands and try to turn on someone as well (especially if he's the reason why you're turned on in the first place). You see, there are a very few seduction techniques that really work and you just have to be keen and observant enough to be more effective when it comes to turning him on. You need to remember that each of us have different levels of sexual tension that's why you better play your cards well. Below are a few techniques on how to get him in the mood --- learn the sexy techniques to get him all fired-up:

* Create the mood. Sometimes, it's all in the mood girl. Nice food, dim lights, soft music --- this can all help create the ambiance, but of course, nothing beats it when you create the mood through the power of your presence. You don't have to worry one bit --- guys are pretty easy to turn on. Believe me on this one.
* Relax and stay cool. Stay relaxed, happy and comfortable. When you do, it encourages more of a positive aura making him feel the same and more drawn to you. You need to remember that staying relaxed and cool makes you more sexy and in control.
* Build tension. Creating sexual tension sure is a great way to get him all turned all the more. Building sexual tension is a must if you want a guy to be all over and crazy about you. There are a lot of tips on how to create sexual tension you can follow --- eye contact and sexily licking your lips are one of them.
* Flirt with him. This is your classic old school move --- flirting paves way to many things --- such as making him flirt back to you. Or making him approach you or getting him all turned on and absolutely all over you big time. Make use of hot and sexy flirting signals and you'll be having a blast!
* Initiate intimacy. Making the first move to initiate intimacy may be a bit of an aggressive move for you but hey --- men do love aggressive girls. They are always a big turn on to the male species. So why not unleash your wild side and impress him with your aggressiveness? He will be awestruck --- and will be loving it!


Obvious Signs That He is in Love With You - Find Out If It's You!

He's always around - This simply means he wants to be with you all of the time. Why would anyone want to be with another person most of the time if he's not into you, right? He's in a happier and lighter mood when you're around and wants to prolong the meeting as much as he can.

He wants to hangout - He's always around or would go over your doorstep and say hi and would ask for you to hangout with him. He enjoys every minute and wants to be with you always. He asks you where you are, if you're available tonight and if you're up for a little chitchat. He is always trying to make plans to see you again.

He talks about it - When you tell him something, he wants to dig deeper. He asks a lot of questions and wants to keep you talking. When a guy wants to keep the conversation going, he's pinning you and trying to keep you with him longer. It means he is genuinely interested in you and wants to find out more and doesn't want to leave, but only stay.

He's happier - And it shows! Love does really speak for itself. When a guy becomes happier and jollier and in a lighter mood when he's with you, he's got the love bug all over him, honey. He talks animatedly, would try to act all cool and smooth with you and will try to impress you to the brim.

He teases you - Come on, this is old school love! Most guys who are lovesick will try to win your attention or would do anything for you to notice them as much as they can. When a guy starts teasing you and looks like he's having fun especially when you play attention and get all excited as well (remember, this can be flirting too!) he means something else than just an innocent joke. Believe it nor not, people tease the people they love.

Convinced he's totally in love with you now? There are just so many techniques on how to read the male species. Pretty soon you'll be armed with an arsenal of information that can easily have you detecting what men are feeling towards you.


Wedding Decorations on a Budget - 3 Ways to Look Expensive

Here are 3 ways your wedding can look expensive while using wedding decorations on a budget. First, know what your wedding colors will be and only look for things in those colors. Second, if a venue is less than spectacular, think of using tulle to hide the major problem areas. Third, use candles wherever you can, everything looks better and more expensive in low light.

1. When you pick out the colors for your wedding it allows you to express how you feel about this special day and the colors pull your vision together. Whether you make a lot of your decorations or find them in craft stores, thrift shops or the many DIY sites on the internet, staying with only your colors saves you time by eliminating distractions of your vision. There are many decisions to make with wedding decor on a budget, but in the end using only your chosen colors sets the tone and feel for your wedding.

2. Some wedding reception venues are less then stunning and can be boring to look at. Using fabric to make a room look rich and inviting for a party can completely change the feel of the room. Tulle is inexpensive and can be used on tables, hanging from ceiling to wall and around door entrances to really make a statement. Using this fabric with some balloons can enhance any wedding reception decorations, on a budget you can live with.

3. Candles can give a wedding reception a warm glow that would be hard to get any other way. Use tea candles floating in water at tables to set a mood. There are many sizes of candles that you can use at the head table and at locations around your reception that will make lovely lighting for romantic images of the Bride and Groom. Candles can make your decorations look more expensive then they are.

Before you spend some of your budget on the decorations check with the reception venue to make sure you know what they will allow at your celebration. By sticking with your colors, using some inexpensive fabric and an assortment of candles you can transform a simple reception venue into the party you've always dreamed you would have. You can have great wedding decorations, on a budget you can live with.


The Wedding Sand Ceremony - What is it?

Everyone is familiar with the Unity Candle Ceremony in a wedding. The mothers of the bride and groom light the side tapered candles representing their families when they are escorted in and then during the ceremony the couple takes the side candles and light a larger center candle symbolizing their two lives becoming one.

But what if you don't want to handle fire at your wedding? Or it is an outdoor wedding and you don't want to have to use a blow torch in order to light your candles in the wind?

That's why many couples are now choosing the Sand Ceremony instead. The symbolism is essentially the same. And, for some, the Unity Candle is overdone now.

With the Sand Ceremony, when the mothers are escorted in, they carry with them a bottle or sand, each with a different color. These bottles of sand represent their families. During the ceremony, the couple steps over to a table where the bottles of sand have been placed, and pour their families respective bottle into a third glass container. They pour alternating so that the two colors of sand are thoroughly mixed. The symbolism is that just as these two colors of sand could now never be separated again, so it is with the marriage. The bottle of sand makes a nice keepsake that the couple can place somewhere special in their home.

While there are no worries about fire in this ceremony, there is one warning I would offer. Make sure the sand does not get damp before the ceremony! When sand gets damp, it clumps. I saw this happen one time and the couple had difficulty getting the sand out.

This ceremony is also sometimes used for blended families. Small children especially seem to enjoy pouring their color of sand into the container. With children involved, this symbolizes the creation of a family.


7 Signs She Shows You That You Are Giving Her Bad Sex

Sex is one of the most important forms of expression towards one another and if it is not good, than your love life needs help or you will be alone with just you and your handy friend, if you get my drift! Communication is very important when it comes to sexuality. You have to know what your significant other wants and give it to the fullest. This kind of intimacy is just about one of the best feelings in the world. I do not think there is no better feeling in the world than having great sex. Of course combined with love and it is even better.

Sex is not just about sexual intercourse it's about exploring each other's bodies and mind. Find out her soft spots, her sensitive spots, talk to her discover what she really wants and how. I guarantee you it will be so much more amazing and intimate. Try something new like exploring with adult toys.

If you want to please her then you had better get a move on it before it's too late. Here are 7 signs that she is just not satisfied.

1. She doesn't want seconds after the first round.

2. She tells you she's on her period and it's been that way for a while.

3. Complaints of a headache excessively.

4. She falls asleep before you even get a chance to make a move.

No one wants to be called a bad lover. It's an insult that will damage your ego. Either you are having problems with your genital or you just need some good, good lessons when it comes to giving her pleasure. If you are having problems, if you think you might have ED, which is erectile dysfunction there are supplements out there that will help, as Natural Gain Plus is a great all natural male enhancement. If you are having problems knowing how to satisfy your woman there is a great sex book with great orgasm tips to show you the right way to give great sex. Here are the rest of the tips.

5. Your girl would rather do something else than have sex with you or cheat on you with someone who can give it to her the way she wants.

6. She won't initiate sex and does not really perform and show much pleasure during the act.

7. She doesn't brag afterwards for being a good lover.

The Female Orgasm Revealed is one of the best sex books out there on the market. You will definitely become a better lover once you get to know how to work it. Boost your ego and never have to wonder again why she doesn't want sex. If she is not in the mood at least you know it's not because of you


How to Become Super Attractive in the Eyes of Women - 3 Important Seduction Secrets You Need to Know

Every man on earth would love to be attractive enough to attract gorgeous women. In fact, men will do their best to look great whenever they know they will be meeting women. However, a lot of men in today's world have no idea what it takes to look attractive. If you are one of them, here is a guide you can use. Keep reading to find out 3 deadly secrets on how to become extremely attractive in the eyes of women that you have probably never heard about.

How to Become Super Attractive in the Eyes of Women - 3 Important Seduction Secrets You Need to Know

1. Love Yourself. A lot of people say this, and it is true. If you love yourself, you will exude much more confidence. And, if you exude a lot of confidence, more women will get attracted to you. Your voice, your posture and your behavior will end up working for you this way.

Therefore, if you idolize anybody, begin copying them now and you will get more attention in no time. Stand out from the crowd by mastering this skill in order to show off without really showing off.

2. Win. Losers lose because they act and look like nothing but losers. If you are smooth, confident, charming and suave, you will end up as a winner since women will set their eyes on you before anybody else.

3. Master Your Seduction Skills with Hypnosis. Although it would be completely impossible to learn every single trick out there in the world of seduction, several underhanded methods can be put to use to appear more attractive in the eyes of women. One tactic of hypnosis is known as fractionation and works extremely fast. In fact, it can get women to fall for you in less than 15 minutes.


Better Orgasms For Women - Get More Intense and Multiple Orgasms Naturally!

All women want better orgasms and the good news is there are some time tested herbs which will give your body the nutrients it needs to increase sex drive and help you get enjoy more satisfying sex. Let's take a look at how the herbs work.

It's a well known fact that you are what you eat and if you feed your body the right nutrients, it will respond and the herbs enclosed, will not only improve your sex life, they will also improve your overall health too.

So what are the common problems which cause a women to lose libido or simply not enjoy satisfying sex? Here are some common problems:

- Sluggish blood flow to and into the sex organs, the sex organs must swell with blood quickly on arousal

- Lack of estrogen and testosterone which are the key female sex hormones

- Stress anxiety and worry which leave you unable to focus on or relax enough to enjoy sex

- Hormonal changes related to childbirth the Menopause and PMS

The above problems, all impact on general wellness and your sexuality suffers at the same time but there are herbs which have been taken for thousands of years which can rejuvenate your libido, improve sexual satisfaction and improve overall wellness.

Herbs such as Black Cohosh, Red Clover Cernitin which have been used for thousands of years to help women enjoy better sex, provide nutrients which balance female hormones, relax the body, relieve stress and anxiety, increase blood flow to pelvic region and increase the number of orgasm related endorphins which are needed, to help you achieve to better and multiple orgasms.

Today these herbs are blended in the best female sex pills, to give you a daily top up of the nutrients you need, to help you get more from sex and of course more from life. Try them and you will enjoy better orgasms and can even, get the elusive multiple orgasm which all women desire!


Are You Making Your Ex Want to Leave You Forever? Prevent it Now With These 5 Life Saving Tips!

Are you making your ex want to leave you forever? Well obviously you aren't doing this on purpose, and a lot of people don't even realize they are doing it, but the fact of the matter is, you are probably doing it....

Read on to find out about the 5 life saving tips which will make sure that your ex will want you back...

5. Whining, complaining and NOT taking action... - If all you are doing is whining and complaining, you are only making your ex feel as though you have become really depressed then. Your ex wants to see actions rather than just hear all the "talk, talk, talk" about how badly you want them back.

Instead of showing your ex how sad, depressed, and unhappy you are, show them how hard you will work to get them back. You have to show your ex that you literally are trying to change with your actions.

4. Telling your ex you love them... - This is NOT something your ex wants to hear right now. In fact, they don't want to hear anything which you say that you think they do want to hear. As mentioned, your ex wants to see you take action and prove it.

You can prove this to your ex by listening to them more, fulfilling their needs, and by not impressing your feelings on them and expecting them to feel the same way in return.

3. Getting mad and arguing the facts - This only convinces your ex that you don't respect their opinion and that you really aren't listening. You assume your ex is going to leave you forever and argue the breakup, but it only pushes your ex away more because all they wanted was some space.

Don't argue the facts, but rather agree with them and move on from there. Dwelling on the past only REMINDS your ex of all the reasons why they don't like you, which in turn further asserts to them that they shouldn't get back together with you.

2. Letting yourself go... - losing all of your self respect and throwing yourself at your ex. Literally letting yourself go and not doing ANYTHING, including missing work and just staying home all the time. This is not attractive and is not healthy. Your ex will be MORE receptive to a NEW and healthy you who is outgoing.

1. Crying wolf - Acting as if there is a crisis in your life and even telling your ex that there is an emergency just to make them talk to you again, which in turn makes your ex feel betrayed, because you are breaking their trust. Instead of crying wolf, stand up on your own two feet and be confident.


Reverse Your Breakup Now! (The Most Disturbing, Yet Important Breakup Reversing Technique!)

What if there was an UNDO button which you could use to reverse your breakup NOW?

What if this UNDO button could literally throw everything from the past out the window?

Read on to find out the most disturbing yet important breaking reversing technique ever discovered....

The sick psychological reality of a breakup -

You may not realize this, but there is an extremely disturbing psychological reality behind every breakup... and it goes something like this:

• Your ex is BORED of you.
• He/she is SICK & TIRED of their expectations NEVER being fulfilled
• Your ex does not feel challenged by you

BUT, that DOES NOT stop your ex from thriving on:

• The attention they get from you now, which is MORE than they got before the breakup.
• The psychological addiction of watching you suffer and chase them around
• The satisfaction of feeling wanted and desired.

HOWEVER the sick psychological reality of this is, that your ex literally TAKES you for granted, AND he/she enjoys USING you.

What is worse, is as long as you are in this sick loop, you will never get your ex back, or reverse the breakup. So you need to get out of this loop.

Getting out of the loop and the UNDO button -

If you want to UNDO something, you would have to also STOP doing whatever it is that caused that thing, agreed?

For instance, if you have a virus in your computer which is deleting all of your documents, wouldn't you first get rid of the virus, and then work to undo it's damage by getting your documents back?

Well of course, and the same thing applies here. You must stop doing everything you are doing now, because this is CAUSING your ex to get a sick psychological satisfaction out of watching you chase them around.

This means you literally need to remove yourself from the scene, and play the hardest game of "hard to get" you have EVER played in your life. You may find it hard, and completely DISTURBING, because it's the last thing you want to do, or would think would work, but it's the ONLY thing which will work, and let me tell you why....

Why this works... and the chain reaction it causes

When you get out of the loop by ignoring your ex, avoiding them, and completely cutting off contact, you end up making your ex feel:

• Unappreciated, disliked, rejected... and ultimately LONELY. This makes him/her seek your attention and cling to you like crazy.

• Deprived- The lack of attention will hurt their ego and they will literally feel deprived and will try to get rid of this feeling by chasing you around.

• Jealous and envious- your ex will dislike the idea that you have just suddenly gotten over them, and will become envious and jealous thinking you must have found someone new.


Seducing a Woman - How to Create Intense Sexual Attraction With Her

It's the dream for most guys. Being able to seduce a woman. Just imagine yourself being able to walk up to a gorgeous girl you spot at the bar or in a club and knowing exactly what to say and do to make her feel INTENSE sexual attraction for YOU. You'd be feeling like you were king of the world. But, you have to get back to reality for a moment. For some reason, this is NOT what happens for YOU. Instead, you end up getting shot down, placed in the friend zone, or cast aside for some other guy.

What if there was a way that you could change all of that? What if there was a way that you COULD create intense sexual attraction with a woman so that she DOES fall for you?

Here are a couple of tips for seducing a woman that will help you make this YOUR reality:

1. Approach her with the confidence of knowing that you CAN attract HER. Women respond very well to a man that can approach them with confidence and instantly start up a fun and engaging conversation. If you can do this, you can then escalate and make her feel sexual attraction for YOU.

2. Don't be afraid to make a move. You don't want to be timid when it comes to seducing a woman. After all, it's a confident man that can approach her and begin the seduction. When it comes time to make a move, you have to be the one that leads. This is what will make her see you as an alpha male, and make you seem irresistible to her. This is what will begin to trigger her sexual attraction for YOU.


Why Women Reject Men

When you get rejected by a woman, it's easy o find yourself question why this happened and what you could do differently. A lot of guys have their "theories" on why women reject men, but most of them are really pretty out of touch with the reality of female attraction and do not explain the real reason why women reject men. Simply put, a woman will most likely reject when she does NOT feel attraction for YOU.

Here are some common reasons why this may happen:

1. Acting too clingy or needy. If you come across as the kind of guy that is going to have to be with her 24/7 and that you do not have a life or interests of your own, you are probably going to face rejection from a woman. You have to be able to show that you DO have your own life and interests and that you have something of value to give to her. Otherwise, it's pretty much a foregone conclusion that you will get rejected.

2. Using the wrong techniques to try and attract a woman. With the spawn of the internet, there is an abundance of BAD information and strategies to attract a woman. And if you try and use these methods, you will most likely fail to succeed with a woman. Remember, that most techniques SUCK when applied to the real world. They may sound good on paper or on a computer screen, but they will fail to make your more successful with women.

3. Being TOO serious. A lot of guys will try and give off the serious look and think this will attract a woman. However, this is usually a turn off. You want the woman to associate you with having a good time and too serious of a look does nothing at all to give her this impression.

These are not the only reasons why women reject men, but they are fairly common.


How to Get Revenge on Your Ex - 5 of the Sickest Psychological Revenge Tricks Known to Mankind!

Your ex treated you like "crap", and you are sick and tired of their games. It's time to play a little game of your own, called REVENGE. Your ex won't even see it coming, till it has already knocked them down!

Read on to find out 5 of the sickest psychological revenge tricks...

5. Date someone your ex knows - This will instantly make your ex wish they never did what they did, because they will instantly be begging you back the minute you do this.

It is like a direct slap in the face, where you FORCE your ex to watch you with someone else, and it will drive your ex nuts with jealousy. In fact, it will make your ex so emotional, that you may even find him/her desperately stalking you afterward.

4. Befriend everyone your ex knows - If you really want to get to someone, get them in their weak spots: with their family and friends. All you have to do is become friends with your ex's friends and family, and become so well liked that they will like you more than they like your ex.

This will make your ex envious and will tick them off big time. It will really make them wish they hadn't messed with you!

3. Ignore your ex completely - Your ex wants to talk to you, or wants a shoulder to lean on. He/she just expects you to be there when they are down and depressed, but it's time to stop being there for them and completely ignore your ex.

This will really show them what they are missing and will make your ex wish they had not left you. Your ex will feel so void and lonely that he/she will be driven nuts.

2. Flaunt a powerful new social life - Go out to so many social gatherings that you will literally have no time to think about your ex. In return take videos and pictures and upload these to the social network websites you have profiles on.

Your ex will see this, and will see how much of a great time you are having, and will feel really down to see you so happy without them.

1. Treat your ex like a friend - People HATE to be treated like a friend, especially when they have dated you. By putting your ex into the friends' zone, you are literally telling them that something is wrong with them, because you will not date them again.

Start treating your ex as though they were your little sister or brother, and don't be afraid to literally annoy the heck out of your ex by using nicknames and dumping huge favors onto their plate.


2 Pleasurable Sex Positions to Keep Any Woman Satisfied - The Hot Moves You Probably Haven't Try!

#1. Love from behind: tell her to get on the knees and hand. You lean over her and find your way from behind. While thrusting, you wrap your arms around her and use your free hands to caress the whole breasts and clitoris. As compared to the regular Rear entry position, this offers great deal of intimacy for couples. It's an awesome trigger for the big "O". Also, the added stimulation will definitely push her over the brink of ecstasy.

Variation: have her to bend over on the kitchen counter, with her feet on the floor. You face her back, and make your way in. During the deed, you wrap your arms around her waist to make for hot connection.

#2. The Lusty V: she sit on the bed and leans against the wall. For extra comfort, you can put a pillow at her back. You sit facing her, and draw your member into the vaginal canal. Then, she spreads her legs wide to form a wide "V" shape and straddle your torso. As you rock back-and-forth, her back is slightly arched to make. That way, you can thrust as deep as you possibly can and devote generous stimulation to internal joy buttons. Your lucky lady will have choice but to bury deep inside the orgasmic sensation. Also, the unique blood flow allows greater blood flow to your lower body. This can effectively boost the hardness of your erection, and keep you going for as long as you desire.

Hot tip: prior to the deed, hold the tip of the penis and rub against her clitoris. Spend good amount of time to tease her so that she's fully aroused. When you finally give it, she will definitely explode in record time!


Oral Sex Tricks That Will Make You a Sex God - The Actual Good Stuff (She Will Moan in Ecstasy)

Men all around the world want to know how to give incredible oral sex. They know the basics and they think that they are giving their women amazing orgasms. However, they may not even be giving her a single one. Learn the keys to sex god status with your tongue in this article.

Oral sex tricks that will make you a sex god-The actual good stuff

Men do not know as much as they think they do about giving good oral sex. The first step to learning how to do it like a champion is to understand that slow, repetitive motion is best. Just as the best way to stroke a man is with the same motion, so is the best way to drive a woman to intense climaxes. However, for some reason, men do not believe that this is the case at all. What they end up doing is an odd and twisted display of tongue work that is misdirected and spastic. The clitoris is like a small penis, and it responds to the exact same type of monotonous movements that the head of the erection does. In fact, this area is composed of erectile tissue.

The surrounding labia majora and labia minora should be treated just as the male scrotum. This tissue is not as sensitive as the clitoris, nothing is, but it should not be ignored in the sexual oral dance. One of the biggest problems that most women deal with while they are receiving oral sex from their lover is that they don't want intense digital stimulation during the process. However, the light insertion of either the middle or index digit into the vaginal canal is very satisfying to a woman. Just allow the digit to rest there and it will add a wonderful added sensation.


How to Get Your Ex Back in Your Arms in the Shortest Possible Time

A break up is never easy on either of the partners. It can cause emotional trauma and sometimes, extreme distress to both partners. Thousands of people have experienced a break up once in their lives and most of them can vouch for the fact, that the experience can be totally devastating. In many cases, the breakups is the final result of some silly fights over trivial issues. After all the heat and dust has settled and some time has passed, the partners then wonder (individually), whether the issues were so serious at all and whether they can get back with their ex girlfriend or ex boyfriend once again.

Here are 3 tricks to get your ex back in the shortest possible time.

Remain calm and go with the flow. After the break up, you and your partner may have a roller coaster ride of emotions. Instead of worrying much about it, simply go with the flow. It is normal to see you both getting cold with each other. The trick here is for you to remain aloof. Try to let your partner feel that you are somehow unaffected with the break up. You can even use some of your common circle of friends to send this message across.This will make them think whether breaking up was really a good idea after all.

Make your Ex green with envy. For some, this technique does not work well for them because they are afraid their ex partner might take it negatively, and thus reducing the chances of having another chance in the relationship. But when you try to make your ex lover jealous, make sure you do not go below the belt. Just do something that you think can really catch the attention of your ex partner. This does not mean that you jump into another relationship, but that you meet up with some friends of the opposite gender and generally appear to be having a jolly good time, with just a little bit of flirting.

Try to Be Unavailable. With this trick, you are simply making your partner realize that the break up is not that bothering to you after all. Try to get involved in a new hobby or activity like joining a yoga class or even a meditation center. Seeing that you are having a lifestyle that is not dependent on the partner, will make them wonder how you can be not affected at all by their absence.When you do these 3 tricks to get back the ex, make sure you do this in moderation. Remember that you are doing this not to shoo away your partner but to win him or her back with you.After a few weeks of doing this, you can then meet up again with your ex, with the active help of your common circle of friends (say at a party) and then start talking up once again, to revive the relationship.


Female Seduction - How to Make Her Fall For You

When it comes to seducing a female, it can be a tricky thing. You don't ever want to make yourself seem like that creepy guy that lives on porno videos and shag carpeting. You also don't want to use the same old lame techniques and moves that most guys use when they try to seduce a female. After all, you have to be able to make her see YOU as the kind of guy that she can fall for. And it's hard to do that if you sound and look like every other guy that approaches her, right?

Here are a couple of things you should know about female seduction and how to make her fall for YOU:

1. Your approach has to seem unique to her. I already touched on this in the beginning of this article, but you definitely don't want to come across as a guy that just runs routines and lines on women all of the time, hoping that ONE will finally fall for them. This will not only get you rejected, but she will also probably return to her girlfriends and have a laugh at YOUR expense.

2. You have to give her the feeling that this is a special moment. See, most women do not go out looking to just "hook up" with ANY guy out there. Sure, there are some that do, but for the most part, you have to make the situation feel special to her. This is what will make her see YOU differently from all the other men in the club or bar that have the same approach.


How to Impress a Girl - 2 Important Stunningly Simple Strategies That Impress Every Time

Impressing women is something that most guys always think about doing because they believe if they can successfully impress the women by showing off how much money they make and the expensive car they drive they can make women attracted to them. The truth is behavior like this turns most women off because a woman needs to feel comfortable and secure in a man who is confident in himself and not someone who is judging his self worth by the amount of money he makes only to end up impressing women.

This is someone that most women will not be interested in and if they are interested, it is in his money and not his actual personality which will result in an unsuccessful relationship or even worse a divorce. In this article I will teach you 2 ways you can impress a woman and begin to have her feel attraction for you.

If you want to impress a girl successfully it is important to demonstrate alpha male qualities because this is what women are naturally attracted to. Being alpha means being the leader of the group and in this case being in control of the situation. You can control the situation on your date by always asking the women questions about herself that will lead to whatever end result you may have planned. If you do this successfully she will instantly feel comfortable around you and her attraction for you will increase greatly.

The final way you can impress a women is to act unimpressed by her. Yes this does actually make sense if you take the time to think about it. Instead of worshipping women and putting them above you put them on the same level as you or even below this will make you come off as more confident and make you look like you are a guy who dates plenty of hot women and the women you are with now is just another average one until she proves herself to you. An attitude like this will instantly create attraction in the women for you.


Female Ejaculation - Discover Female Ejaculation and You Will Be Called a Sex Stud!

Yesterday, I was talking to a group of women, aged about 20 t0 25, on their hens night. We got to talking about sex and sexuality and I was asked about female ejaculation.

It seemed that most of this group of women had never experienced female ejaculation. They also had little understanding about this intense orgasmic response. They had no idea how to have this experience. We had a nice talk about orgasms and how to intensify and deepen orgasms.

The main point I communicated about female ejaculation was that the fluid was not what most woman expect. Many chemical tests have been carried out over the years to confirm this fact.

I also communicated to the group the fact that stops most women having this experience. When a woman is about to ejaculate, she needs to totally let go. If she holds back in anyway, she will block the orgasm flowing into female ejaculation.

The feeling of totally letting go is the method of starting to have deeper orgasmic experiences. Combine this with g spot massage and a woman can go much deeper than she has ever gone. If she really lets go and is very turned on, the orgasm can lead to ejaculation.

The best way to learn to have this experience for the first time is by exploring this response alone. The area to focus on in this practice is the g spot. Massage the g spot is one key to learn deeper orgasms. A man can also learn to massage the g spot.


How to Make a Girl Notice You - Guaranteed!

Are you wondering what the secrets are in getting women to look at you? It is actually quite easy. If you have been lonely for quite some time now, you need to admit that the problem probably lies with you instead of the women you want to get with.

I don't mean to sound patronizing, but it's true. The faster you realize this, the better you will do in the world of seduction from now on.

How to Catch Female Attention - Guaranteed Tactics for Success

First of all, you need to realize that you have the power to win women over. To do so, you simply need to reassert your control over each aspect of interaction when it comes to women. Make good first impressions and build deep emotional connections from there until she wants nobody else but you.

This means that you have to become a leader or an alpha male. Does this confuse you? Do not worry as these skills are easy to learn. Trust me. I used to be exactly like you in dealing with women until I discovered these secrets that changed my life.

After making these changes, handling the fairer sex became much easier and all of my problems with them disappeared for life. I could get any woman of my choice to notice me and want me for who and what I was. You can do the same now, too.

The key behind turning into a leader and an alpha male would be hypnosis. One special technique exists called fractionation that allows men to build deep connections with women in mere minutes. You will be amazed at the sudden connection that will ensue.

This special technique happens to work wonders if you wish for women to notice you quickly, as well as build rapport with them. Results can be achieved in practically an instant


How to Make a Woman Beg For Your Love - Using 3 Amazingly Effective Female Psychology Techniques

Do you want to find out the secrets in making girls long for you? If so, keep reading. Building attraction happens to be all about controlling female states of emotion. Simply read on to find out the techniques that professionals use to make girls beg for their attention. They are sure to work for you, too.

How To Make A Woman Beg For Your Love - Using 3 Amazingly Effective Female Psychology Techniques

Technique Number One: Polarize Female Emotions. One highly powerful technique that needs to be put to use the right way involves giving girls the most exciting time of her life. Do not doubt this technique. You have to get girls to feel completely high whenever they are around you through jokes or silly actions - whatever it would take.

Technique Number Two: Build Attractive Foundations. Attractive foundations consist of two things: being valuable and making girls emotional. If you are able to master these things, attraction is sure to come easily.

First of all, be valuable by refusing to react. Instead, you should get reactions out of her. Reaction happens to be a kind of emotion, so getting reactions out of a girl will make her feel emotional. The great the emotional range of good and bad that you can get her to feel, the more attracted she will be to you.

Technique Number Three: Use Fractionation. This deadly hypnotic technique is best put to use with both of the techniques mentioned above. Bring your girl on a rollercoaster of emotions and make her feel sad and happy whenever she is around you. This kind of drama will make her depend on you emotionally in no time.

Fractionation also has the power to make girls fall for guys in less than 15 minutes, so only use it when truly necessary. It uses emotional "triggers" and anchors to make women feel connected to you - and in the process they may end up doing anything you ask them to do. It's explosive stuff!


10 Things to Do That Will Make Him Fall More in Love With You

Sometimes we as woman like to push a man's buttons just to see what he's all about and what he'll do for you. He passes the test, "so now what"? Once you got him then he is yours, now you have to make sure it stays that way.

The woman's body is a man's weakness and so is a good meal. If you have a good man and want to keep him happy and satisfied, keep the relationship alive and spontaneous. Of course the men have to put their work in too ladies, it's not a one way street we all know that. Relationships are very hard, they take a lot of time and dedication towards one another. Here are 10 things that will make him love you more and appreciate what he has. If you have a spouse that doesn't appreciate you, you better chastise him to the fullest. If you have no trust and respect in a relationship it might as well be fictitious.

1. The old expression "the way to get to a man's heart is through his stomach" is so, so true. Men love to eat and when you can cook your butt off it's like there's no better thing than a woman who can cook for him. Cook him his favorite meal once in awhile.

2. Show a little skin sometimes, men like to see what they have. A sexy woman can get just about anything she wants and more. Make him see why he was so attracted to you in the first place, flirt with him that never gets old when you are in a relationship. Of course personality counts but looks works better.

3. Cater to his needs, don't be no slave. Never let no one take advantage of you, just let him know you got his back. Make sure he always have clean clothes, men love to have clean socks and draws available at all times.

4. A man loves the scent of a woman there's no sweeter thing than that. Always keep some smell good around. If you don't wear perfume that's ok, the scent of a woman is sweet anyway. Appearance is important, keep your hair up change styles from time to time.

5. Give him good love! There's no better way to please a man than between the sheets. They like being in control, but sometimes when the role is reversed it can be a turn on.

6. Be supportive about his decisions. Don't' dictate him unless you feel like you have too. If you are the one in control all the time, let him have some control too it makes them feel important and shows them that you trust him. Sometimes you have to sacrifice, let him have his way sometimes.

7. Wear some exotic lingerie to bed sometimes. Do some experimenting in the bedroom. Adult toys or sex games can change your whole perspective with it comes to sex.

8. Watch out for his health. Don't let your man let himself go cook healthy meals, but don't run him away. Just make the meals a little more healthier. Show appreciation for all that he does. Stroke his manhood compliment him on his looks and his accomplishments. Don't depend on him for every little thing. Some men don't like women who are independent and others admire it.

9. Make the relationship fun, flash him with your boobs spontaneously make sure the time is right. Surprise him by doing unpredictable things. Keep spunk in the relationship, just don't get too crazy with it.

10. Give him his freedom, let him have his air. Trust where he's going and what he's doing when he's gone. Participate in some of his sports like watching football with him sometimes. Men love woman who like sports just as much as they do or are involved in them every once in awhile. Oh yea! Make sure you keep a six pack of beer in the fridge too. If you don't like him going out all the time suggest that he brings his friends over sometimes.

Well that's it I hope these tips work out for you and hope it makes your relationship better. If any men read this just remember a woman deserves the same treatment. Where there is a good woman there is a good man. A quality man shouldn't be threaten by a woman of equality.


The Truth About Penis Enlargement Express

Back in the early days, the only way to increase your penis size is to have a penis enhancement. Surgery is the only tried and tested way to bring back the wasted opportunities of having a rock hard erection as well as a proud member that is always ready to rise up to any occasion.

There is no one to blame for the standards in society - that men with a larger penis always get the beautiful ladies - but men themselves. Everyone knows that an average penis size is about 6.5 inches in length and around 5 inches in girth so what is there to worry about? Americans are known to have beyond average tools but if they just belong to the average, their self-confidence withers down. Having a penis enhancement is not the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Surgery has its ups and downs - most downs since there are higher chances of going home with a crooked penis.

Who are you to blame next? Women of course since they have this built in set of standards that a man should have a big, long and hard penis to be considered virile as opposed to the short in size are considered losers. Do not let them get in your mind. Did you know that you could add a couple of inches to your love tool by taking herbal supplements or even simple messaging and stretching?

There is always a way to enlarge your penis size, you just have to try out different method and see which method works for you. Different body development depend of how your body extracts. To some people, the result are fast and for some people since to be not working at all. This is really depend on individual.


What Makes Men Fall in Love - A Peak Into the Male Heart

Are you about to give up because you think nothing will ever make a man fall in love with you? Have you gone through the list of things you've done when out on dates with men and you still can't see where you've gone wrong? Do you wish someone could just point out the errors you've made and put you on the right path to love and a committed relationship? Chances are you're making the very same mistakes many other women make as well. So read on and find out what you should be doing.

First, be genuine and be yourself. While you do want to put your best foot forward when you go out to meet a guy or go on those first nerve racking dates, make sure that the real you shines through. Know your flaws and if you notice that one of those flaws (let's say you talk about yourself too much) is evident, let him know you recognize you talk too much and let him take the conversation. The fact that you see your flaws as well as your qualities is very refreshing and it tells a lot about your character and maturity.

Then, know the type of man you really want in your life. If you've been meeting guys in clubs and going after party animals when you're the type who loves to snuggle up at home before a fire, you risk be unhappy with you choice in a mate. Maybe you're the type of girl who's athletic and loves being outdoors and active, but you have your mind set on the cute guy who only wants to stay home and play video games. Don't be fooled by a handsome face and look at the real man you're interested in.

When you do meet that man and it clicks... you enjoy common interests, conversations are lively and fun, he makes you laugh until your belly hurts and he has that gleam in his eye when he talks to you... don't scare him off by then insisting that the relationship take a serious turn. Let your hair down and have fun. Show him how great life is when you're around and he'll fall in love.


How to Tell If a Man Truly Loves You

If you're dating, it's important to know how to tell if a man really loves you. When you're not clear on the signs, you're at high risk for ending up with a guy who's all wrong for you. After all, the fact that a man brings you chocolates and flowers or compliments you on your looks doesn't mean he loves you. Some men just do "romantic" things to string you along or press you into sleeping with them. There are, however, more accurate ways to know how your guy really feels.

He's interested in you

When a man cares about you, he takes an interest in the things you care about. He's interested in what you do at work and in your free time. If you're an avid snowboarder, he may not take up the sport, but he'll probably try to learn at least a little something about it. If you ask him to feed your cat while you're on a business trip, even if he doesn't really like cats, he'll take good care of yours because she's important to you.

Keep in mind that guys tend to assume when you're talking about your problems, you're asking for a solution. So when he offers suggestions while you're trying to vent, it doesn't mean he doesn't care and he's just trying to shut you up. It means, in fact, that he does care and he's trying to help.

He respects you

A man who's in love with you will treat both you and those close to you with respect. He won't belittle you or call you by insulting names and claim he was just joking. He won't make fun of things or people who are important to you. He may not like your Aunt Marge, but he'll try to be nice to her anyway. When you tell him about an accomplishment, he'll be proud and celebrate with you instead of getting annoyed or trying to "burst your bubble."

Again, though, if you openly and repeatedly complain about your belly fat, he may eventually suggest you start working out or eat less ice cream. In a case like that, chances are pretty high that it's not an insult, but an honest a reaction to what he takes as a request for advice.

He's plans you into his future

Making plans for the two of you is one of the surest signs your man wants to stick with you. It won't always be as obvious as talking about buying a house or having kids together, though. It could be as casual as a comment about where you two should go on vacation next year or a question about whether you'll be free to attend an important event that's still a few months away. Doing this lets you know he's feeling pretty settled at your side and he's happy to be there.


How to Make Her Want You - The Art of Conversation With Women

The entire goal of trying to make a woman attracted to you, is something that most men seem to have a hard time dealing with. I mean, if you were REALLY good at attracting women, then you would be able to attract ANY woman that you wanted, right? Well, of course you wouldn't wanted to attract the psychos or the boring ones. Still, you would be able to attract women like it was nothing.

So, why aren't you attracting the woman that you want?

Why are you not able to make her want you?

You have to understand the art of conversation. If you are not able to use conversation to create attraction with women, then you are NOT going to be able to walk up and approach a beautiful woman and then walk away with her phone number. It's just not going to happen. Unless of course you are Johnny Depp or Brad Pitt.

Then, you wouldn't even have to open your mouth, women would want you on sight!

For the average guy, you have to be able to create attraction with women by using both a confident and clever approach and use conversation to build attraction.

You are going to be able to WOW just about any woman that you come across, especially the more attractive ones, as they are not used to men being comfortable and clever around them. They are more used to guys acting nervous or trying to be a "smooth" player.


How to Seduce Beautiful Women

While it may seem a little far fetched in your eyes, it's more than just a dream to seduce beautiful women. It can be YOUR reality. While most guys will never even try to seduce a beautiful woman, the fact is, when you know how, it's just as easy as it would be with any other female that you might meet. If you assume that you don't have what it takes, then you will be pleasantly surprised to find out that you can attract and seduce beautiful women.

Here are a few hints to help you out when it comes to seducing a beautiful woman:

1. Don't assume that you have no chance at all with her. If you assume this, then you are defeating YOURSELF right from the start. Instead, you should have the confidence and the attitude that you can and will attract her attention and make her fall for you. Otherwise, you are the only one to blame. You have to have a mindset that you are the kind of guy that can attract just about any woman that he desires.

2. Do NOT follow the same approach that all other guys use. You have to realize that a beautiful woman is used to being approached and hit on by guys wherever she goes. And nine out of ten of them will all try a very similar approach. This does nothing to make her take notice of them. So, you want to be a little more original and have your own style when you approach an attractive woman.

3. Learn how to escalate her attraction for YOU. When you know how to escalate a woman's attraction, your odds of seducing her will fly through the roof. YOU have to be able to lead things in YOUR direction.


Tips to Get Your Husband Back - Proven Methods For Success

After breaking up the first thing people tend to do is panic. They feel emotionally numb and unable to think straight about the next step. But, no matter how bad you feel the worst thing you can do is to not take action. If you want to get your husband back you need to get moving or you may find he is in the arms of someone else before you had a chance to dust yourself off and get back on your feet. If you want proven methods to get your husband back I have laid out an action plan below:

Method 1: To get back to better times you need to take ownership in the things you did that caused the breakup. If you know where you went wrong you can change your actions for the future.

Method 2: Apologize to your husband. It can be hard, but you will get nowhere without doing it. When you admit you were wrong and take ownership in some of the problems, your husband will know you are serious about making things right again.

Method 3: Allow your husband the space he needs. Apologize and then give him the space he needs to think and re-evaluate. By doing your own thing and appearing happy and strong you husband will also see you as a confident person who is able to go on with life with or without him. He will want to be part of your life to enjoy the positive attitude and strong, confident woman he now sees in you.


What to Say to Your Ex Boyfriend to Get Him Back - You Might Be Quite Shocked

Are you struggling with what to say to your ex boyfriend to get him back? Finding the right words to say in a situation like this can be a struggle. The problem is that this is generally a highly emotional and tense situation for both of you. It's far too easy to take one step further only to find yourself taking two or more steps in the wrong direction and losing any ground you've gained before.

How do you know what to say to your ex boyfriend to get him back? Don't you wish it were so easy that anyone could do it? While the odds are good that you have some idea of what he wants to hear you need to dig deeper and tell him what he needs to here. Give these three things a try for starters:

1) Let your boyfriend know he was right to call it quits. When he picks his jaw up off the floor and recovers from the shock of you agreeing with him he's going to find more questions than answers. Needless to say he'll be thinking about you long after you let him know how grateful you are that he called things off now rather than later. The other reason this works so well is because it's the complete option of what he is expecting from you. Keeping him on his toes builds a sense of mystery. Agreeing to the break up makes you seem "unavailable" and as a result infinitely more attractive to him.

2) Make sure he knows that you've learned a few painful lessons from the mistakes that were made while the two you were together. This allows him to see how much you've grown and evolved since the end of the relationship (hopefully there's been a little time for that growth and maturity). Tell him you're sorry for the pain you've caused him and hope you'll one day be able to redeem yourself in his eyes.

3) Tell him what he really means to you. If you can't put it into words then maybe he's not the man for you after all. Tell him how much you love him, what he's taught you, and how much of a difference he made in your life when you were together as well as how much of a hole has been left in your life since his absence. He needs to know that you appreciated his contribution to the relationship and he wants to know that it was noticed and is missed.

Three things need to be made abundantly clear when you decide what to say to your ex boyfriend to get him back: appreciation, respect, and contrition for the best possible outcome.


3 Mistakes Which Push Your Ex Away From You! This Will Prevent You From Getting Your Ex Back!

Why would you want to push your ex away? Obviously you don't want to make your ex go far away from you, so why are you doing things which push them away from you?

Avoid these 3 mistakes so that you don't end up preventing yourself from getting your ex back:

3. Acting depressed and doing NOTHING to change

Your ex doesn't want to be around you, because there are some things about you which are a drag. It could be your bad habits, or perhaps your attitude. It might even be your lack of change.

BUT, if you are doing NOTHING to change and are only going to act depressed all the time, your ex will see you as someone who likes to bring down the party and someone who really cannot grow up or be strong for the right reasons.

2. Always throwing yourself at your ex

You are always the first to call, the first to show up, the first to say you are sorry etc... And you are literally throwing yourself at your ex. The only thing that will happen is that your ex will begin taking you for granted..

Consider the fact that your ex is not even with you right now, and you are literally giving him/her MORE than you did when you were with him/her. This will only convince your ex that you are only taking action because they are now gone.

This also tells them that you don't therefore appreciate them when you do have them, and makes them believe if they took you back, that once again you wouldn't appreciate what you have.

Therefore, you should quit throwing yourself at your ex.

1. Taking the blame for things you didn't do

In a desperate bid to pull your ex back, you may begin taking the blame for things you aren't even at fault for. You should not do this, because it gives your ex the full control to make you even more desperate.

Whenever your ex blames you for something, they are trying to entice a strong reaction out of you, and they do this because they subconsciously enjoy the attention. You should not be giving into this attention circus, because it boosts their ego even more and makes them treat you like a puppet.

Only take the blame for the things which you are directly at fault for, and move on from there. If your ex is constantly concentrating on the past just leave them alone and don't give them the power to drag you down for their emotional gain.

The minute you stop letting your ex treat you like a puppet, you will find that they will have a totally different outlook and feeling about you, which will be in your favor, rather than against you.


How to Build Your Sexual Stamina and Last 2 to 3 Times Longer (Secrets to Rock Her World in Bed!)

Let's be honest - if you are anything like many men reading this article, you are probably not lasting as long as you would like during sex. Like it or not, for most guys, sexual endurance and sexual confidence are closely related. If you are not lasting long enough, your confidence level is likely to take a beating too. Many men choose to suffer in silence, and many women too choose to gloss over their partners' inadequacies, assuring them it is no big deal. But your tendency to ejaculate quickly during sex can become a BIG issue in your relationship in the long run, like what many couples are discovering.

But there is good news!

The lack of lasting power in bed can be easily remedied. Most guys suffering from premature ejaculation mistakenly think there is nothing they can do to reverse the situation. That is far from the truth. You see, there are four stages to a man's sexual arousal. In the "excitement" phase, you are just getting erect and still very much in control of your arousal. At the "plateau" phase, you are fully erect, very aroused, but still in control. At "orgasm" phase 3 your arousal builds up intensely and the amount of stimulation tips over into ejaculation. The last phase is the "resolution" stage where your breathing returns to normal and your erection subsides.

The key to controlling your ejaculation is to extend the "plateau" stage. This means you need to maintain your levels of arousal without allowing yourself to boil over to a climax.

So how do you prolong the "plateau" phase?

There are a couple of techniqueyou will find helpful. First, maintain a steady tempo during your penetration. Allow your thrusts to slowly gain momentum and when you sense you are fairly close to a climax, slow down your actions, and if need be, withdraw entirely from your partner. When the arousal and stimulation taper off, resume your penetration once more. Communicate with your partner why you are doing this. Her support with help you build greater confidence in your sexual ability.

Another technique you should try is to alternate between deep and shallow thrusting. Shallow penetration will stimulate the sensitive nerve endings present within the first 2 inches of a woman's vagina. Deep thrusting will present less friction and stimulation on your penis head. This will almost certainly help you rock on much longer during sex.

There are plenty more methods you can learn to last longer in bed but these simple techniques will give you a great head start to extend your lovemaking sessions by 2 to 3 fold!